
860 18 0

 Word Count: 3,225ish

Summary: Y/N comes completely clean to Sherlock.

Warning: talk of rape and death


"He was visiting the house my mother worked at. He was a guest of honor," Y/N explained. "After enjoying himself at the party that night, Moriarty found my mother and... raped her."

Sherlock and herself were in his room at 221B. She was sitting in one of his chairs, a blanket wrapped around her. The fireplace was the only source of light in the room. The storm was raging outside, like a sign of what was beginning. What was to come. Sherlock was sitting in the chair near her, listening intently.

"Once he got what he wanted, he left the house," Y/N continued. "She found out she was pregnant three months later. The family she worked for was clueless for a while, but thankfully didn't fire her when they found out... She birthed me in the same bed that he raped her on... I was eight when Moriarty came back to the house for another party and put the pieces together as soon as he saw us together. That night, he showed up in our room. He demanded that she hand me over.... She refused."

Y/N bit her lip as the emotions began to overwhelm her. She swallowed before she began speaking again. "He shot her right in front of me. I screamed and cried but before I knew it he had knocked me out so that I couldn't cause a scene. I woke up in a completely unfamiliar house. Tucked into a bed that wasn't mine. He started testing me that morning..."

She looked down as her hands wrung together. "Moriarty wanted to see if I had his intellect. Unfortunately, I did. So he schooled me—trained me, more like it. To do his dirty work, so that he could be in control. In power... I only made a break for it about two years ago."

"What made you run?" Sherlock asked, his voice rough.

"Under his order, I killed someone's parents... with that child in the room... I looked at that child and saw some part of me reflecting back. So I ran. I had been running for about eighteen months when I met Mary. She needed a roommate and I was tired... so very tired. So I stayed... and I made connections. And then Irene showed up that night I met you for the first time, threatening to expose me if I didn't help solve the case. Or get you to solve the case. That's why I was so interesting in meeting you again.... I needed to, to save myself. And that's why I ran when you began to question me. I knew how dangerous it was."

"But you came back. You followed me and John to the slaughterhouse."

"Because I believed that I could solve the case, or get you to, and bargain for my freedom... that's why I took the cylinders and ran..." Sherlock stayed silent as Y/N gave him a few moments. "I'm sorry that I kept this all from you, Sherlock. I was trying to protect everyone." Surprisingly, Sherlock stood up and headed straight for the door. "Where are you going?"

"To get your things." He turned to face her as his hand held the doorknob. "Watson is officially moving out this week and you are moving in."

"What?" Y/N stood up. "But it's too dangerous."

He took large strides to stand in front of her. "I told you that I would protect you, and I mean it. It is safer for us together and we will be more able to make a plan of attack if we are living together."

"I don't know, Sherlock." Y/N shook her head slightly. "I think it's better if I ran."

"And what? You can't run forever." His hand came up, fingers brushing against her cheek before resting against it. His big brown eyes looking into hers as if he was staring into her soul. "I will protect you."

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