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"That man was awful," Y/N told Mary when her roommate finally returned home.

"I very much agree," Mary said as she hung up her coat.

Y/N was seated in the living room, curled up in a chair with a book in hand. "And you and John left me there with him. Alone."

"He didn't do anything to harm you, did he?"

"No. He actually seemed disappointed in himself for what he'd done... It was... interesting."

"Well John sends his apologizes and told me to tell you that he'll be over in the morning to give them to you himself."

"He shouldn't be apologizing for the actions of his roommate."

"Unfortunately, I think that is a common occurrence."

"He needs to learn some manners."

"Maybe you could be the one to teach him." Y/N rolled her eyes. "I'm going to get ready for bed. Good night, Y/N."

"Good night, Mary."

Y/N sat there and focused back on her book. She don't know how long it had been before a knock sounded at the door. Wary, but curious, Y/N slowly went to the door. She opened it slightly to peak out. A woman was nicely dressed and facing the street. She was in a red dress with black lining and a black hat.

"Hello?" Y/N questioned as she opened the door further. "Can I help you?" The woman turned around to reveal herself and Y/N gasped. "Irene?"

"Surprised to see me?" Irene taunted.

"How did you find me?"

"You mean to ask, does he know you're here?" Y/N swallowed. "He doesn't, yet. But if I'm here, he won't be far behind." Y/N's heart rate began to speed up. "Are you going to invite me in?"

Y/N looked behind, checking for Mary, before opening the door wider for Irene. Irene waltzed in, immediately inspecting the place as she headed for the sitting room to the side.

"Nice place," Irene commented as she made herself at home on one of the chairs.

"What do you want, Irene?" Y/N wished to get straight to the point. She needed to know how soon and how far she needed to run.

"I need your help."

"You need my help?"


"And what if I refuse?"

"I'll make sure he finds you faster. If you help me, I can slow him down."

Y/N glared at Irene. "What do you need?"

"You need to get Sherlock Holmes back on the Blackwood case."

"What? Why me?"

"I know you've just met him and it seems like the case is closed, but trust me it's not."

"Trusting you is something I'd rather not do."

"But you will. You don't want the Professor finding out where you are, so I know you will."

"So I just need to some how convince a man I met to reopen is last case?"

"Oh don't pretend that you can't do it. You were once the best in our field."

"Not by choice."

"Still," Irene stood up, "it's the truth." She glided passed Y/N. "I'll keep you in the loop." Irene opened the door. "Stay safe, Y/N. I really wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

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