twenty one

497 17 1

 The scream that torn through Y/N would haunt John in the months to come. The agonizingly, hearting wrenching way Sherlock's name came from her lips and echoed off the walls of the building and canyon, was enough to break even the strongest of hearts.

John pushed open the door and stood there in shock as he watched Sherlock and Moriarty's feet disappear over the edge. Seeing Y/N rush to the edge, is what brought John out of his shocked state. He hurried forward, wrapped his arms around her waist, and held her back.

"NNNNOOOOOOO!" Y/N screamed. Tears ran down her face as she thrashed around in John's arms. "SHERLOCK!" She tried to fight John's hold on her. "Let me go! I need to save him!"

"There's no saving him," it broke John's heart to admit that. "He's gone."

"NO! He can't be! He can't be!"

Y/N's screaming was gaining the attention of the other, already rattled summit attendees. Mycroft and Carruthers pushed through the crowd to see why Y/N was screaming. The moment Mycroft's eyes laid on the scene, he knew what had happened.

"Carruthers," Mycroft called for his servant. "Get everyone out of this wing. Now."

"Of course, sir," Carruthers responded, hurrying away to do as he was told.

"Sherlock! Sherlock!" Y/N cried out. "Sherlock!!"

"Ssshhh," John cooed, finally able to turn Y/N around to face him. He cradled her head and held her close to him and let her cry.

Y/N pushed against John weakly, trying to get out of his hold before eventually collapsing into him. She heartbreakingly sobbed into John. Mycroft stood in the doorway, solemnly watching the scene in front of him. It soon began snowing and growing more windy.

"John," Mycroft called. "We should get her inside before she catches something."

"Right," John muted. "Let's go Y/N."

John began leading her away, keeping her close. Y/N turned her head back and stared at the spot where she last say Sherlock. Mycroft closed the doors behind them and made eye contact with Y/N. More tears filled her eyes and they stared at each other a few seconds longer before Y/N turned away. John guided Y/N passed Simza, who was still sitting on the floor with her brother's body in her arms. John was getting more concerned for Y/N with each shaky step she took.

"Here," he led her to a nearby bench and helped her sit down. "You're in shock. I'm going to leave you for a second and run and get a blanket and some water, okay? Stay here."

Y/N didn't respond before John left. He walked away, looking up at the ceiling. He was trying to keep the tears that threatened to fall at bay. But how was he supposed to when his friend just threw himself off a cliff? Even if it was to stop Moriarty. John took his time getting the drink and blanket so that he wouldn't return to Y/N emotional. He needed to be strong for her. When he arrived back, Y/N was gone.

"Y/N?" John called. "Y/N?" Mycroft turned the corner with Simza, finally able to get her to let go of her brother. "Have either of you seen Y/N?"

"I believe she was with you last," Mycroft responded.

"Yes, but then I left to get somethings and now she's gone."

"You don't believe she would do anything, do you?" Simza asked, voice rough from the strain of crying and screaming.

"I don't know. But we need to—" A cold breeze began to blow my the threesome. "Do you feel that?"

John followed the breeze. It led him to find the outside door to the balcony open. There, in the wind and snow, was Y/N. Her dress was blowing as she stood where Sherlock was last seen.

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