Monster (Werehog!Sonic x reader)

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(Your POV)

I awoke at the sound of the crashing thunder, immediately getting out of bed and running down the hall to my best friend Silvers room. He opened the door upon my rapid knocking. It was at times like this that everyone in the house knew that I still had a fear of thunder, the dark, the basement, the dusty attic, and even monsters in story books. At a young age, I was never taught to abandon these fears or even face them. It was always like this; I'd run to somebody's room, ask to spend the night with them or if they could at least stay with me until I fell asleep again, and then everything would be fine as long as I got to see the sun again. Silver led me back to my room and stayed at my side until I fell asleep again.

The next day, I felt as though nothing could ever go wrong. That is until we all found out that Sonic suddenly got ambushed and attacked last night. This time, it surprisingly wasn't Dr. Robotnik, but what Sonic described as a humongous beast. We could all tell it was huge from the size of the bite mark it left on Sonics torso. It was so big that the width of the bite went from his hips to his chest and the length of the bite must have been all the way around. The wound was pretty deep, but Sonic was lucky he wasn't eaten alive. "Sure, I could have sped away, but I was frozen. I've never seen anything like it." He said as Tails was wrapping bandages around him. At this point, I was absolutely horrified. A monster? That size? What if it comes to take me...? I didn't want to hear any more of it, so I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door. I heard someone knock at the door and then a voice afterwards. "Sorry, (y/n). I forgot the whole monster thing still scared you." I could hear the sadness lace over his voice.

I opened the door and let him in. We talked for a while until I felt really tired and fell asleep.

Hours later, I awoke to the sound of scratching in the hallway. My trembling hands made their way to my beside table and grabbed the flashlight as I stepped out of bed and into the dark corridor before me. The scratching noise was louder now. It was then I had realized that it wasn't coming from the hallway. It was coming from downstairs. Walking as quietly as I could down the steps, I heard the sound of the front door opening. Fear washed over me just as the cold air tickled my cheeks. I approached the door, hoping to close and lock it as fast as I could, but every part of me was telling me to suck it up and go outside to see what it was. But, I refused. Then, I heard a loud, deep howl just as I was about to close the door. Then, a beast went racing down the street with another one chasing after it. They both stopped and tackled each other, fighting, scratching, biting, and trying to kill each other. In the end, the smaller beast had emerged victorious, letting out a howl of triumph. Then, it turned to see me standing in the doorway and I slammed the door shut, running upstairs to my room and locking the door just as I did earlier today.

I hid under my covers as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next day, I was contemplating on weather or not it was a dream or if it was real. Oh well. At least I'm okay. No one was talking about the scratching noises, the howls, or even the fact that I had gotten out of bed that night. That make be think that it was a dream after all. For some reason, Sonic came out of his room with a large scratch on his arm, bandaged of course. And yet, no one was talking about it. I just ignored it, but for some reason, Sonic started avoiding me. I didn't know why. Did I do something wrong? I thought to myself.

Days turned into weeks and Sonic had completely shut me out until we had been assigned a mission to check out some mansion that was rumored to be haunted. The others let me go with Sonic since they all thought it was a great way for me to try and face my fears. I was trembling the whole way as we tredged on through the stormy night. Sonic thought this was the perfect night to face my fears. As soon as we stepped into the mansion, I immediately had a cold chill down my spine. I put our umbrella by the door, practically scolding Sonic for trailing mud inside. "Come on. This place is abandoned. Plus, whoever lived here is probably long gone by now." He said with a cocky smile. I gave him a stern look. "Even if no one does live here, it's very disrespectful to the spirits that may still be here. We should learn to respect the dead, no matter how scared of them I am." I complained. He chuckled, giving in and washing his shoes off with the rain water. I smiled with content as he came back with much cleaner shoes. "Thank you, Sonic." He gave me a thumbs up and we both started up the stairs and through the dark, but relatively peaceful looking home.

There were a bunch of times where something had popped out and frightened me so. It was either a big ghost with an under bite or a thin ghost with an over bite. Either way, they scared me half to death. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. Just when I thought I'd had enough, Sonic had scared my own soul right out of me and I feinted.

I awoke in his arms as he carried me through the mansion, continuing on after I had passed out from being scared so much. A blush covered my cheeks. "Wakey wakey, princess. You've been asleep for almost half an hour." He said, a sly look clouding his face. My cheeks only got redder as I pushed him away and looked out the windows to avoid his gaze. I only slightly jumped at the occasional claps of thunder outside. I feel as though I had finally overcome my fears. Sonic and Tails were right! I can be brave if I just tried! I smiled to myself proudly as I claimed a joyous victory. Just as everything started to calm down, a sound that seemed like metal scraping and hitting the ground shook me to my core. Around the corner, a large, armored being emerged, turning to me and Sonic with a menacing look. My fight or flight response activated and I ran for it, bumping into another armored monster. I ran right back to Sonic as I held onto him, shaking like a leaf.

Then he started shaking too. And whimpering. I stepped away. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Is Sonic... Scared...? But, then I realized, it was something else. The armored creatures only got closer and closer. I didn't know what to do. Sonic fell to the ground in pain. Then, the clouds cleared and the full moon shone through the window as Sonic shot his head up and looked out at it. Slowly, something started happening to him. He started... Turning. His gloves ripped, his fur got longer and darker, and I heard his bones cracking as his body morphed into the creature I had seen that night on the street. He roared and growled in pain as he neared the end of his transformation. A loud howl was heard and it shook the whole house. The armored beings turned out to be the ghosts that had been scaring me this whole time. But, because of Sonic, they were the ones that were scared instead. They zoomed away, clumsily bumping into walls and ceilings on the way.

But, I did not feel relief. I only felt more fear knowing that my friend had turned into a savage beast. I tried to run away, but he caught me before I could even turn the corner. "NO! NO! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME! LET ME GO!" I screamed, thrashing and fighting, but to no avail. I was doomed. "Will you calm down, (y/n)? I'm not gonna hurt you." He said, gently cupping my cheeks as I cried nonstop. I tried again to get out of his grasp, but it still didn't work. Then, he did something unexpected. He leaned in and kissed me. My heart jumped out of my chest, my cheeks burned a deep crimson red, and my whole body went numb. The moonlight had captured his green eyes perfectly through the window as we parted.

"Sonic..." I felt his grip on me loosen. "(Y/n)..." His voice, gruff but gentle, had eased my mind and body. We spent the whole rest of the night in one of the old guest bedrooms of the mansion, snuggling together for more warmth. He was warming me more, however. It was such a blissful feeling, being this close to him. I had never looked at Sonic more than just a friend. But, for some reason, the kiss we shared was more than enough for me to fell head over heels with him. I don't care if he's a monster at all. He's still Sonic. Cuddly, soft, fluffy Sonic. "(Y/n)..." He mumbled in his sleep. "I love you..." I smiled with joy, falling asleep that night with ease. It wasn't too comforting that there were ghosts watching us sleep, but at least they didn't try to kill us while we were.

(I have a serious problem... Why do I do this to myself...? Oh well. If it works it works.)

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