Ep1: Let the Mayhem BEGIN!!!

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V4: HELLO, AUTHROIAN NATION! Welcome back to, Ask or Dare: SUPERHERO ALL-STARS! I'm your host Mr. V4

Thero: And I'm his Co-host, Theropod X

V4: And today we'll be answering your questions and following za dares!

V4: And that would be our first user calling us right now! *answers the call*

A TV appears and turns on and a boy appears on screen

???: Hey, V4!

V4: Hello to you too, Deondre. *looks at the group*

Everyone, meet StarHero64 aka Deondre, a good friend of mine that I've met a couple of months back!

Everyone: Hello!

Deondre: Hello everyone! Especially you Chloe, April.

Chloe: Huh? Us?

April: hold on how do you know our names?

Deondre *confused* Wait, are you guys the same ones from Durand's show?

Everyone was confuse by that statement.

V4: I guess I should explain why this guy knows you two. Well basically in this world, Authoria, there are actually other versions of you guys that live here. They are a part of an ongoing All-Star series hosted by our friend named Durand. In that show, Deondre is dating this world's Chloe and April.

Chloe: Ah, I see, that explains a lot.

V4: *looks Deondre* Sorry Deondre, but these guys aren't the same ones from Durand's show they are completely from another dimension.

Deondre: Oh, ok. Well then if that's the case might as well go to the first question. This is for Tommy Oliver.

Tommy: Me?

Deondre: Yes. My question is, from your two original suits, what do you prefer White Ranger or Green Ranger?

Tommy: *thinks* I'll go for the Green Ranger suit.

Deondre: Explain.

Tommy: Well it's because that's how I was back then, it's the first form I have ever gotten when I was brought into the battle. Even though I gained it from...evil sources, it is still a power I'll always cherish

Deondre: I see. Well, then next question, this time for the Kamen Rider, Touma!

Touma: Okay then, hit me.

Deondre: Well my question is, how come you only used Emotional dragon once, I'm not counting the time you first used it against Falchion.

Touma: Ahhhh, the emotional dragon. To basically summarize why I didn't use it, it's for two reasons.

One that power needs Brave Dragon in it, meaning if I use it I won't regain access to my base form.

And Two, let's just say that book kinda disappeared after what happened with Master Logos before the Omni force was created.

Deondre: Ah, no wonder you didn't use it that much. Okay now for the last question, this time for both Rangers and Sentai.

My final question is, why does the red ranger get all the power-ups?

Rangers & Sentais: *thinks*

Juru: I honestly don't know because my team and I share our power up.

Ask or Dare: SUPERHERO ALL-STARS! {CANCELLED}Where stories live. Discover now