Ep4: Love, Horror, GIANTS!!!

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Thero: And I'm his Co-host, Theropod X!

V4: And today yet again we'll be going down into pure CHAOS!!!

Nodoka: SAY WHAT!?

V4: But before that let's do some dares! And to start it off. *snap*

A portal opens


Everyone: OOF!!!

Dust subsides revealing Deondre, Zak, and...RYAN!?

V4: Hey guys!

Ryan: V4, I know we're friends and all but *gets up* WHY DID YOU BRING US HERE LIKE THAT!?

Deondre: He's V4, he's always had a crazy idea on how to bring in his ways of "fun"

Zak: True.

V4: Anyways, now that you three are here, take your seats.

The three users sit down.

V4: To start things off, Zak, you go first.

Zak: Okay! *stands up* For my dare it'll be for the Mighty Morphin Rangers and Saber Riders. First the rangers, opinions on if you had zords based on the Spino, ankylo, and plesio?

Jason: Zords huh? Well...

Billy: I think relief would be the answer because with three extra zords in our hands we will have a variety of methods in taking down giant monsters. Spino can be good for agility, ankylo in more for defense, and power just like Zack with the mastodon shield and marine tactics with plesio.

Jason: What he said.

Zak: Okay then, next up for Touma and Rintaro, if you had an extra ride book based on your element, what are your opinions on if you had a red Tiger, and is it a blue serpent ride book?

Touma: Ahhhh, tigers, I think I'll feel more prepared because they are known to sneak up to their prey meaning I in a way can be able to sneak up on my enemies with also good power as well however I kinda prefer storm Eagle than the tiger one it makes me fly!

Rintaro: I'll honestly be quite nervous if I had a book like that, especially for god beast type, Pegasus was hard enough to use with a wonder combo but replace it with a more fierce creature, I would decline.

Zak: Huh, quite surprised about your answer Rintaro but I guess that makes sense. Well, that's all my answer, your turn Deondre!

Deondre: Okay then, first up is Nodoka.

Nodoka: Oh?

Deondre: What are your opinions about you having more super forms than other Precure members?

Nodoka: You mention that before if I recalled about those other forms that the girls don't have except for me?

Deondre: Yep that one!

Nodoka: If I gotta be honest, quite embarrassing. *rubs the back of her head* Because I am basically the only one within the line of cures to have that many forms.

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