Ep12: Gaming Start, Brawling Climax, Racing Finale!

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Thero: Mr. V4's your host and I am your co-host, Theropod X!

V4: Today is going to be a handful everyone! So sit back, grab those very delicious sweet beautiful snacks which I am not allowed to eat ;-; and let's get on to the show!


Thero: Me and our roommate grounded V4 after we found him eating too much chocolates again.

Everyone: Ooooooooohhhhhhhh.

V4: Anyways. Let's bring in our first user! DEONDRE! *snap*

A portal opens and...


Post Ep 10 Cast: OOF! *winces*

Deondre: *gets up, casually dust himself off, and looks at everyone* OW!

V4: Hello to you too Deondre. So, what are your requests?

Deondre: *sighs* Well, for my first question, it's for the Sonic cast.

Sonic: Oooh, our first question. What is it?

Deondre: Out of all the adventures all of you have been on, what are your favorites.

Sonic: Oh wow, that's quite the tricky one, let me think...hmmmmmmmmmmm...I would say my adventure...WITH CHIP! Out of all of my adventures so far, I think that one allowed me to travel around the WHOLE world not just zones located in the same country.

Tails: My favorite? It would probably be the time me, Sonic, and Knuckles traveled around to fight Eggman together as a team. Most of the time, Sonic and Knuckles would depend on me to get through some tricky obstacles which may not be passable if it weren't for my ability.

Knuckles: I will say the time I had to go and collect Master Emerald shards again. Yeah, I know normally if the Master Emerald breaks it would be a serious matter but since it was my second rodeo with those shards I have gotten used to it. After all, I am a treasure hunter!

Amy: Probably my time with Birdie, it was sort of...exciting...to be off on my very own adventure without any help from Sonic or the others, yes we will eventually meet up at some point but that was limited. Yes, I was being followed by a Eggman's badnik most of the time but that was all dealt with in the end.

Shadow: My favorite? Probably the time when I was kicking Sonic's butt in racing.

Sonic: Wasn't I kicking YOUR butt in that race Shad?

Shadow: No, I WAS you faker!

Sonic: For the hundredth time, Don't. Call me. FAKER!

Shadow: Whatever...Faker.


V4: Rivalry am I right!? :D

Deondre: Now for my second question. Ben, by the way, I love your series man.

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