Ep13: Brain Rotting Beginning, Reactive Ending

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V4: YOYOYO V-NATION! It is I, MR. V4! And my Co-host, THEROPOD X!

Thero: And welcome back to Ask or Dare: Superhero All-Stars.

V4: And today, we will have some fun...at the expense of my sanity. LET'S BEGIN! OH RYAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNN *snaps fingers*

A portal opens.


Ryan: OW! *gets up* H-Hi guys!

V4: Hello to you too, Ryan. Now, what request do you want to start with?

Ryan: May I start with the dares?

V4: Sure!

Ryan: Thank you Kuya! Now then...😈 *stares at Glitter Force*

Chloe: I have a bad feeling about this...

One moment later

The Glitter Force team now wore...Goth outfits...

(A/N: Imagine the Glitter Force team wearing these)

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(A/N: Imagine the Glitter Force team wearing these)

Everyone: 😐😐😐😐😐😐

Manatsu: Okay...that is...very unsettling.

Nodoka: Yeah, and their japanese counterpart are called Smile Precure, this...really goes 180 from that.

Kelsey: And I thought the Glitter Shadow Force were bad enough.

Ryan: And that's about it for the first dare, now for the second one! *glances at the Sonic & Ben 10 Cast*

Kevin: This is not going to end well.

Ryan: For you guys, I dare you to do...THE SCHOOL SONG FROM MATILDA THE MUSICAL!


Gwen: Come on Ben, you don't need to be that dramatic.

Ben(young): Like you're one to talk dweeb, at least YOU SANG IN FRONT OF AN AUDIENCE BEFORE!

Gwen: And I am quite proud of that thank you very much.

Ben(young): Older me, help! We need to leave!

Ben: Yeah um...I'm joining.

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