Ep7: The Meets and the Greets

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V4: GOOD DAY or evening TO YOU ALL V4 NATION! Today by what I can tell by the requests. We're gonna be doing...A MEET AND GREET!

Jason: A meet and greet? Well that sounds fun.

Sayo: At least it ain't anything too wild.

V4: And with introductions now done. ONTO THE FIRST USER! But first... *press button*

A bunch of cushions pops out.

V4: Now then. Our first user will be...HOLI! *snaps*

A portal appears...then the mentioned user screams!

Holi: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *falls out of portal and safely lands on the cushions* W-Woah! I-I thought I was gonna go splat!

V4: Don't worry my friend! I got that all under control!

Holi: And why was I the only one you decided to save from portal entrance?

V4: Straight to the point I see. *chuckle* Let's just say it's a little...reward from me to you before you enter your teen years.

Holi: Why thank you V4!

Lily: Wait. You're not a teenager?

Holi: Yep *gets up from cushions* I am actually 12. When I joined my other friend's show, I was 10! At least when I reach 13 I can do what I want!

Nodoka: That's amazing! So what are your requests?

Holi: Oh! I have more people to introduce to you all! *claps*

Three kindergarten girls appears

Holi: MEET THE KINDERGARTEN TRIO! Chuchu, Melody, and Kii! Where I am from, The girls except for Kii are related to a Precure!

Nodoka: Oooooo! That's amazing!

Chuchu: Hi!

Melody: H-Hello!

Kii: Kii's honored to meet you all!

Mei: Woah, kid talking in third person.

Holi: Yeah, she does that all of the time.

Tommy: Well, it's still nice to meet you three.

ChuChu: Nice to meet you too, handsome fellow!

Everyone: WHAT!?

Kii: Kii thinks it's time to bail! *grabs her two friends and exits through an open door* AND FRIENDS OF HOLI SHOULD CLOSE DOORS FOR KII PLEASE! AND ALSO TURN OFF LIGHTS WHEN DONE FRIENDS OF HOLI!

Holi: Welp! That happened. Also, Melody only eats breakfast and not dinner.

Tommy: Y-Yeah.

Holi: Sorry about ChuChu also. She sort of does this all the time also.

Tommy: I-I see. I'm going to get a cup of water. Where's the break room?

V4: Second open door to the right, can't miss it.

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