~Chapter 2~

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Jimin finally came out of the shared closet dressed in red athletic shorts and an oversized white t-shirt with a Supreme box logo on it. He sat down on his bed towards the head of it a few feet away from him. "Alright. What did you want to talk about?"

Jungkook turned his body more to be better facing him. Jimin's hair was still wet, and he looked fresh and cozy and handsome. 

Suddenly feeling nervous again, Jungkook looked down at the comforter. He reached out and picked at one of the folds in the fabric, twisting it in between his fingers. "Umm..."

Jimin didn't prompt him or say anything, just waited for him to continue.

"I... wanted to talk about us..." He trailed, peeking to see Jimin's reaction. He knew it was vague, but he couldn't manage getting anything else out at that moment.

Jimin glanced over at the door to the bedroom. It was slightly ajar. "Okay." He got up and went over to it, closing it all the way. He lingered next to it for a time before he turned back to Jungkook. "I shouldn't lock it, right? It would be weird if they came back and it was locked, right?" He asked.

"Oh, um..."

Jimin nodded to himself, making up his own mind, and heading back to Jungkook without locking it.

"Do you think it will be fine if we stay here?" Jungkook asked, anxiously glancing at the unlocked door, and wondering if they should just leave the dorm altogether to get some true privacy. After all, everyone was home.

Jimin came back over and sat on the bed next to him again, still looking over at the door. "What are they doing? Do you know?"

"Tae huyng and Hobie hyung are watching a movie, but I don't know about everyone else. I'm pretty sure they're here though." Jungkook replied.

"Okay as long as those two are busy, it should be fine." Jimin said, turning back to him. His face became serious. "I wanted to talk too. I'm still not 100% convinced we should even be doing this at all. A lot could go wrong. We need a plan. Got any ideas?"

Jungkook tried to swallow even as he felt his throat closing up. That was a lot of pressure. He knew it. Jimin wasn't fully on board. That meant that he could back out and change his mind, just like he had feared. The success of their relationship hinging on whether or not Jungkook could convince him that his plan was going to work. He could still lose him.

"Jungkook, calm down. I didn't mean for it to sound that way. I just... we can't just wing it. I want to try. I really do, but... please understand." Jimin reached out and grabbed one of his hands in both of his.

"I am calm." Jungkook insisted breathily, it was a little too ragged to be convincing.

"Your face says otherwise." One of Jimin's eyebrows gracefully arched in disbelief.

Jungkook heaved a sigh. "Okay, fine... I just..." He looked down and saw that Jimin was still holding his hand. He had been so distracted with what he had said, he barely realized it. It made his start pounding and his stomach fill with butterflies looking at their joined hands. Jimin was using his thumb to brush one of his fingers in a comforting way.

Jimin must have seen him watching their hands and pulled his away self-consciously. Jungkook looked up and saw him looking away, shyly. He brought one of his hands up to rest on the back of his neck. When he turned his head his ears were pink.

The realization that Jimin was as bashful as he was gave him courage. "Okay... so it's kind of a plan, kind of an idea. I haven't had a bunch of time to do research, but you know how you said people ship us?"

Jimin looked dubious. "Yeah..."

"Just hear me out." He said seeing his expression, and hearing the apprehensiveness in his tone. "Well, since they do, that means that people already like or want us to be together, right?"

The Story of Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook Part 2Where stories live. Discover now