~Chapter 3~

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Over the next couple of days everything went wonderfully. Jungkook didn't know it was possible to be so happy. It was like coming up out of a deep, dark hole and finally getting a full breath after being separated from Jimin for so long.

Every moment with him felt new and undiscovered; like he had this whole other side that was a complete mystery. Of course, he was the same fun, cool, responsible, considerate, smart, handsome Jimin he had always been to Jungkook, but now there was something else. As if just the knowledge that Jimin liked him made him notice things about him that he hadn't noticed in the past. Subtle touches and something about the way Jimin looked at him. His heart could race out of control and nervous excitement would fill his gut every time they made eye contact.

After another long day of practicing and work, they were sitting next to each other on the couch about a foot away from each other. Both of them were rather stiff. Jungkook had felt the tension settle in not long after they had sat down and started watching the show together. It wasn't an awkward feeling. It was the weight of regret. He was ready to kick himself that he hadn't just sat right up next to Jimin in the first place.

He wasn't sure what to do about the annoying foot of space between them, or how to make it shrink. It was like the moment had passed for him to position himself closer to him, and now he would forever be stuck sitting a mile away. Maybe not a mile, but twelve inches never felt so far as it did right then.

On top of that, there was a weird instinctual knowledge that Jimin was thinking the same thing. Jungkook couldn't really explain it other than that there was a sort of suspense that had built between them. A hyper awareness of each other's movements, as if there were tiny strings attached to them, and every time one of them moved an inch or took a breath the other felt it.

The desire to reach out to him and the knowledge that Jimin would probably allow it, had Jungkook wound so tightly he thought he might snap. It was exhilarating and frustrating all at the same time. All of the sweet anticipation, choked by the fact that they weren't alone.

The two of them plus Hobie, Tae, and Jin had started a rerun of a variety show on the TV forty five minutes ago. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but Jungkook had seriously lost interest in it as soon as Jimin sat next to him, and had spent most of the show wishing it would end or that other members would get tired and leave. He wasn't even aware that he was chewing on his nail as he tried to think of elaborate excuses to try and get them to go away. Not because he disliked them, of course. He just so badly wanted to be alone with Jimin.

There was a shift in the cushion and Jungkook peeked out of the corner of his eye to see Jimin readjusting himself on the couch. When Jimin had settled into his new position he was crisscross applesauce, and had grabbed a small pillow, holding it in his lap.

It was subtle. No one else would have noticed a difference, but Jungkook did. In fact, now it was all he was thinking about. Because when Jimin moved he had come closer to him. Close enough to where his knee was resting casually on one of Jungkook's thighs.

It wasn't casual. Just the weight of it on his leg had Jungkook swallowing hard and his pulse racing. Now it was impossible to concentrate on the show they were watching. Instead of trying, he simply adjusted his head so that he appeared to be looking at the TV, but his eyes were fixed on his hyung's knee.

When Jimin shifted slightly again, it caused the fabric of his black shorts to ride up, exposing more of his thigh. There was a cool bluish hue from the TV that distorted the color of his skin. It was so pale and fair that the light made it look almost translucent.

Jungkook wondered what it would feel like to touch it. As the thought hit him, so did a wave of heat through his whole body. It was as if the temperature in the room had gone up five degrees and there was no fan in sight. He squirmed a little trying to dispel the heat in the pit of his stomach, but it was no use. Instead, he forced his eyes away and brought the back of his hand up to dab at his warm cheeks.

The Story of Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook Part 2Where stories live. Discover now