~Chapter 10~

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Jungkook woke the next day to the feeling of Jimin pressed up against his back. His face was buried between his shoulder blades, his arm draped limply around his waist, and his legs right up against the backs of his own. He remembered going to sleep in the opposite position with Jimin against his chest, but apparently they had switched sometime during the night.

It appeared he had been captured by his small hyung.

He smiled to himself at the idea. It didn't bother him at all to be little spoon even if he was bigger. In fact, it felt surprising comforting to have Jimin holding him in such a way. Like he was safe, and like Jimin truly liked him back.

Just the idea had him wondering if all of it was still just a dream. Making sure it wasn't, he brought up his hand and began lightly stroking Jimin's smooth arm.

He made a soft, little noise in his sleep that Jungkook was going to remember for the rest of his life.

As Jimin stirred behind him he thought about what time it was, and how he had woken up before anyone's alarm had gone off. He took stock of himself, noticing that he didn't feel tired but refreshed instead. He must have had a good night's sleep. Of course he had. How could he not, sleeping next to Jimin?

His sleeping hyungs hand came awake with the rest of him as he squeezed around Jungkook's chest in a sleepy hug, putting his small hand right over his heart. He hummed in contentment and nuzzled his face into his back, making Jungkook almost swoon with delight.

After a moment, Jungkook rolled over to look at him. Jimin's eyes fluttered open, blinking a couple of times as he came fully awake.

"Hey." Jungkook said quietly to his cute, puffy face. His cheeks were a bit swollen, especially around the eyes, and his lips... wow.

Jimin rubbed his cheek against the pillow and scrunched up his nose before looking up at him and smiling. "Hey."

"How'd you sleep?" He asked in the early morning quite of the bedroom.

Jimin hummed again with the same sleepy satisfaction. "Great. You?"


As they gazed at each other, Jimin gave him a little private smile. Their first official sleepover had gone better than he could have ever imagined. Jungkook couldn't help but leaned down to lightly press a kiss to his swollen lips.

If only he could do this every morning.

When he pulled back and opened his eyes, Jimin's were wide with surprise. He briefly checked over his shoulder to see if they were the only ones awake, and gave him a look like he was lucky they were. Jungkook just smiled at him, already aware that Tae and Hobie were still asleep.

"Do you know what's on the schedule today?" Jungkook asked as he wrapped his arm around Jimin's side and pulled him closer. Their legs automatically shifted into a unexpected yet delightful tangle of limbs.

"Yeah, we have a photo shoot." Jimin answered. "Will you please pay attention to the schedule? I swear if we didn't drag you around everywhere you would miss everything on it." He giggled.

Jungkook smiled. "That's why I have you, right? Where are we going for the shoot? Do you know?"

Jimin puckered his lips as he thought about it. "We are going to the ocean, I think. It's the first shoot for the concept photos for the new album."

"Oh, that's today?" Jungkook asked, remembering that he and Jimin had been paired in a unit for some of the new album photos.

"Yeah, The Most Beautiful Moment In Life: Part 1 Mini-album to be specific, in case you forgot what it was called." Jimin teased.

The Story of Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook Part 2Where stories live. Discover now