~Chapter 5~

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After a while Bang PD announced to everyone that they were going to be filming something up in the practice studio. Jungkook figured it would be some kind of interview, or teaser, or maybe even a game, and hopped up off the couch he was sitting on.

Four floors up in the practice studio, he waited patiently for Jimin to show up. He constantly checked on the door every couple of seconds until it was just easier to stare at it all together.

Realizing what he was doing, he let out an amused breath at himself as a memory of his mother came to him.

She had been heating water in the kitchen for dinner when he was a boy, and had told him that staring at the water in the pot wasn't going to get it to heat up any faster. Apparently, the method didn't work on doors either. He had practically bore a hole into it without it so much as cracking an inch to return Jimin to him.

He would have already texted Jimin himself if Jin hadn't mentioned someone already had.

After a couple of excruciating minutes the door finally opened producing Jimin and Tae, back from whatever they were doing. Jungkook couldn't help grinning from ear to ear, with eyes feasting on the return of his missing hyung.

Jimin and Tae apologized for making them wait and got caught up on what they were about to do.

Jungkook immediately went over to stand near Jimin, slightly bumping into his side when he got close enough. Jimin glanced over at him with a small smile and swayed in the other direction. Jungkook followed like a magnet, inching closer to him without even realizing it.

Then everyone was moving, getting into a half circle to film a short message for ARMY. In order, it was Hobie, Tae, Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, and Jungkook. They were all looking over scripts as the camera crew got ready for the shot.

Jungkook looked around Yoongi's back and wondered how he had gotten separated from Jimin.

He peeked at the camera crew to see they still weren't ready and made his move. He went behind Yoongi and stood behind Jimin. "Hyung, what movie did you want to watch later?" He said quietly in his ear.

He really couldn't care less about which movie they would watch. After all, they had already agreed upon watching something together later that night, and that was all that mattered. He was only using it an excuse to go stand behind Jimin.

"Hu?" Jimin started in surprise, and turned a bit to look over his shoulder. He clearly was not expecting to see him since Jungkook had been standing at the end of the half circle.

Yoongi noticed Jungkook's new position, and moved over a step so Jungkook wasn't in his space. Yoongi needed his space, and Jungkook used that knowledge to his advantage. He couldn't help smirking as he sneakily filled in the natural gap left by him; his little mission to stand next to Jimin working out perfectly.

Jungkook's hand came up to rest up on Jimin's back between his shoulder blades, mentally congratulated himself and looking at Jimin's handsome profile.

"I don't know..." Jimin said, taking a small step forward.

"Okay." He replied, dropping the subject. Unconcerned, now that his ultimate goal had been accomplished.

Smiling, Jungkook rubbed his hand up and down his hyung's back, enjoying the feeling the ridge of muscle surrounding his spine and the texture of smooth pleather fabric of his black shirt.

"Alright everyone! Are we all ready!" A manager called to them.

As a chorus of agreement filled the room, Jimin rocked to the side and bumped his shoulder.

The Story of Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook Part 2Where stories live. Discover now