1. Her Meets Him

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Bexley Alora's POV

"Ladies ladies calm yourselves. We aren't heathens we can speak civilly." I hushed and they calmed down.

"Now my best friend and second in command Alyssa will take over for me. I understand we don't know what the men are capable of but they've never met the advantages of an immortal woman. I know this is scary but regardless I believe it's for the greater good of this planet." I said wisely.

"But Bex what happens if they team up?" A woman spoke.

"We have thrice the amount of women than they do men. We have no issue. Indeed the men are stronger but they live to get women to dance. Let's dance shall we?" I teased earning cheers.

"We leave in an hour. I believe we will be successful and I will give updates. I expect the best behavior because I know each of you personally and friend or not don't be a fuck up. Love you all." I smiled and walked off the stage meeting Alyssa.

"Hello Bex." She smiled with tears streaming down her beautiful face.

Alyssa was over 175 years younger than I but the most beautiful woman I've laid eyes on.

She had black curled hair around her head as her chocolate skin shined with the oils she placed on her body.

"I'll miss you." I smiled hugging her.

"Are you sure I can't come?" She asked.

"Ugh how I wish honey but this is for the best. I love you and will call you often. Don't mess this up." I warned.

"I won't and I love you too Bexie." She smiled as I walked onto my ship.


"Miss Alora we've arrived to the Man Planet." My eyes opened from my nap and I sighed.

I gathered my ladies all in power and looking ravishing as ever.

"Don't bite when they become ignorant or sexist. I was there for the birth of the five boys 145 years ago and they're fathers raised them very well. Let's just hope they stay that way." I muttered as they clasped their necklaces on.

"Let's go." I smiled trying to be upbeat knowing this would be a struggle.

We exited the ship and unlike our flower scented planet everything here was drier but smelled of pine and spices. Manly yet enjoyable and not quite overpowering.

Don't get me wrong men are beautiful but it's in our nature to be more so. They had their strength and size while we had our curves and life giving ways. It was our power to be seductive.

I knocked on the kingdoms door to reveal men standing, waiting for us.

I walked in with my 20 women and we were led to a set of double doors that opened revealing men everywhere drinking and laughing while five sat centered in the room.

They rose up looking in awe.

"Let's gather our attention to the beings we've waited for." One yelled and then men shut up. So different. So aggressive.

I stood before the men wearing a black laced bra and a pair of black shorts as they all were shirtless. Some had beer bellies and some were chiseled while others were all in between.

"Step foreword please." One said and I did until I was arm length away from the five but I signaled my ladies to stay where they were.

"Hello." They all hummed in deep voices. So strange.

"Hi." I said not nodding to any form of welcome.

"May I know your name?" One asked.

"I'm Bexley. Bexley Alora. You are so grown." I said loud enough for all to hear and their faces contorted into confusion.

"My apologies I haven't been open enough. I was 100 years old when the five of you were born. Beautiful children you were." I smiled softly and they froze.


"Y-yes I believe I was informed of that." One said.

"I've forgotten the names of you may I have a reminder?" I asked in a soft voice.

"Yes I am Leo Maverick." The one who spoke to me the whole time said offering a hand which I took.

His hand was so rough and warm against my soft, cool one.

"I am Apollo." One with brown hair and blue eyes said offering a hand.

I smiled looking at him while shaking his hand.

"I am Matteo." One with black hair and blue eyes said.

I shook his hand and he had a softer grasp. I nodded.

"I'm Dom." One with a low voice said. Black hair, brown eyes.

I shook his hand and he kept a gentle expression gazing upon my face.

"I'm Gunner but I go by Gun." The last one offered. His voice low like Dom's but nothing was gentle about his expression. His hair was bleached blonde with dark roots and brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you Bexley now does any man offer a question of her or her planet before we begin the feast?" Leo asked loudly. He was clearly the voice of his brothers. Matteo and Apollo didn't seem to mind the speaking either but it was clear Dom and Gunner preferred the silent path. Respectable.

"I have one!" I man yelled obviously wasted.

"Speak." Leo commented.

"Why won't you fuck me aren't you a whore meant to carry our children?" The drunk asked.

I stayed composed hearing worse.

"Women are pussies talking about how childbirth is the worst pain ever." A guy by him scoffed.

"May I?" I asked softly not sure whom to look at for confirmation.

"As you wish." Apollo nodded.

I let a smirk creep onto my face.

"Come here." I whispered to the man who made the second comment.

"What?" He huffed. Sober. Disgraceful.

I grabbed his throat and looked at the men.

"How far may this go?" I asked wanting to respect their rules.

"As far as you'd like." Dom said. Gunner smirked.

I let go of his neck.

"Get undressed." I yelled at the man and he listened.

"Come here Grace." I whispered to the woman behind me in a kind tone.

"Yes Bex?" She asked standing by me.

"I'll need your assistance after my group experiment." I winked.

"Let's watch you bare a child yes?" I asked looking at the pathetic man.

"I could handle it." He huffed so I placed one hand on his shoulder holding him in place as my other hand went to his abdomen and I stabbed his stomach with my finger injecting my sperm.

"Listen I may not be a man but I live on a planet with women who don't seek sex for reproduction. I give them my children so I never can have one myself. Easier way of life." I hummed and I pulled my finger out.

The man's belly began expanding.

"My sperm is more powerful than any man's even the Maverick brothers' so I can impregnate anyone of my selection. The only difference is that men can carry children. The baby will live but the man dies." I snickered as the man began screaming.

A newborn tried to exit from his urethra but during the exit it ripped him apart down the center as the new baby girl cried.

"Take the Angel." I said handing the child to Grace.

"Norman lead the lovely girl to the nursery. Try nothing on her." Matteo ordered and a man came out scurrying to Grace and leading her and the newborn out.

"That was fascinating." Leo smiled.

"Incredible." Dom corrected.

"Welcome to our Planet Bex. It is such a pleasure to have you." Gunner chuckled darkly.

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