4. So Hungry

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Bexley's POV

I fucked myself over. I heard all of them enter my room as I was in the shower and god I didn't think they all were gonna do it.

I've said it before, men are beautiful. I have amazing self control but not with five nakedly huge men in my shower. I don't have enough control for that. Maybe two or three but not all five! I'm fucked.

I've acted for men before let's do it again.

I placed shampoo in my hair and began scrubbing having my back to the entrance where they came in. My heart was quickened a little bit but nothing insane.

"I've got it." Matteo hummed and he replaced my hands in my own hair. He scrubbed softly before moving to my ends and he pushed me foreword so I stood under the waterfall fosset.

I took a minute to remember who I am and how all these men were willingly open to submitting to me. I'm a bad bitch. Men as far as I know aren't a permanent thing so why not be the sexy bachelorette I am and have fun. Besides this shower was huge.

When the soap was rinsed I spun around my hands in my hair and eyes still closed but I rubbed my face removing the water so I could open my eyes and move.

Many eyes stared at me and the funny part is my eyes were all white. If I looked up they wouldn't know who I was looking at if my head wasn't in their specific direction. I moved out of the way with a smirk.

"A shame. I'd help you out too but you're a whole foot taller than I." I mumbled. I was a tall female at 5'10 but they stood at about 6'10. My face was basically shoved in their pectoral muscles.

"However I could help otherwise." I finished and as Gunner was under the fosset not facing me I had soap in my hands and began washing his back feeling his muscles like smooth rocks under my soft palms.

I got his shoulders and arms before I wrapped my arms through his and scrubbed his chest and abs. None of it was sexual or suggestive but I knew it pushed their buttons. I didn't let my body touch his back as I knew that would cause a reaction.

Through my letters I've learned Leo was quite competitive though. Maybe it wouldn't cause a reaction for him.

I smiled and gathered soap in my hands again moving to Leo and starting with his back. I did the shoulders and arms.

This time when I wrapped my arms around Leo I placed the front of my body on his back and he took a breath suddenly tense. I was aware of how soft my skin was. It was like pulling the softest silk over large pillows. A blessing and a curse.

I used this and would glide my inner arms down the sides of his body as I washed him and this was every man's weakness.

Like baby oil being lathered except you don't get the soft after effect. It just disappears.

When I stepped back he turned and looked down at me with his jaw clicking. So tense. So serious.

"What?" I asked innocently as someone was putting something in my hair.

"Conditioner." Apollo whispered in my ear.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked.

"You're competitive." I smiled.

"Playing dirty now?" Dom asked placing soap on his hand.

I just realized through all this I've never looked past their waist.

Fuck now i'm curious.

"Look." Matteo smiled. He could see my face.

I looked down and they all were the largest I've ever seen.

Acting is too difficult now. I clenched my thighs on instinct.

"Mmm you smell so good." Dom hummed pushing his black hair back after he washed it.

"I think by the week is over you'll want us almost as bad as we want you." Apollo mused.

I didn't speak as I knew my arousal filled the small space. Curse smells. Fuck my life.

I walked to the shower and washed my hair out feeling it become so soft. I put the water on cold and the guys looked relived.

"Women take such hot showers." Leo sighed.

"I like them cold at the end." I mumbled trying to distract my thoughts.

My eyes didn't seem to like me and they looked down where they all stood bare and erect. So so big. Painfully large.

I didn't even care what they could smell I wouldn't act on it.

"God it smells so good. I've smelt a lot of things but nothing as addicting as this." Gunner groaned.

I smiled and looked up.

"I'm hungry." I said.

"Let's get you food then. I think food is set up in the dining space. It's still early in the day." Apollo replied.

"Yum." Was all I responded with.

So hungry for so many things.

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