8. Gunner

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His theme song^ please listen whether you like rap or not bc it's fits so well😭

Gunner Maverick's POV

I brought her to my temple. The five leaders each have their own temple with their own meanings and I took her to mine. Mine was made of black and gold marble with red accents.

"You do temples as well?" She asked.

"Yes. Do you?" I asked taking her hand in mine savoring the feel of her magical skin.

"I do. But mine is more of a throne room I suppose. Always guarded, never empty." She said and smiled gently.

"That sounds beautiful. Actually I have a throne here." I smiled and pulled her through the dark, echoed walls that resembled me too well.

"It's beautiful." She said and it echoed.

"It's my favorite place." I smiled.

I took her through the hallow areas until we reached two double doors.

Two of my men opened it for her and I.

Her body froze and mouth dropped.

My throne was black with red cushion and silver knifes at the top framing it.

"It's so amazing." She awed.

My guards took their swords down and I placed my hand on the small of her back pushing her to the throne.

"Sit." I smiled and my men whom were guarding gasped and seemed suddenly startled.

"Shut up!" I sneered turning back to the woman who placed herself on my throne.

The silence overtook the room again and she smiled up at me.

"It's really comfortable and extremely big." She chuckled.

"We do have a foot difference in height." I shrugged.

"I feel like I could nap here." She laughed and I smiled in response.

"Stand for a sec." I said and she did. I sat down and patted my lap.

She sat with her lap sideways on mine and she laid her head on my chest as I sat back and relaxed more.

"When could I see your temple?" I asked placing one hand on her lap and the other combed her silky, never knotted hair. Another perk I suppose.

"Actually I have to go to my planet tomorrow morning to see how my second is responding to my people, maybe you could come during the afternoon." She said gently.

"Okay how about 3?" I asked. Even though her planet was a light year away it only took the recent technologies a few hours.

"I'll be in my throne room attending to people." She hummed.

"Could we see that?" I asked. I think watching her lead would be interesting.

"If you'd like." She sighed and I nodded.

"Gunner?" She asked and I shivered at hearing my name from her lips.

"Yea?" I asked curling a long strand of black hair in my fingers.

"Is it true you don't speak much?" She asked and I chuckled.

"Yep. I've never spoken to someone, not even my brothers, as much as I talk to you. I like hearing your voice after I ask a question or say something so it's all worth while." I smiled even though she couldn't see me.

A knock came onto my doors.

"Open." I ordered and it opened revealing two men walking to us.

"What?" I spat annoyed that our time was being disrupted.

I held her tighter to me not realizing it until her face was on my shoulder instead of my chest.

"Sorry sir but we were to inform you t-that we did research and w-we don't know if the female planet is reliable." One sputtered.

Bex tensed.

"Why?" I asked.

Bex sat up and I opened my legs letting her sit between them and I had my hands on her hips wishing she'd back up just a little more. I tapped her thigh twice and she seemed to catch on so she scooted back nearly sitting on my crotch area. I squeezed her hips before leaning up and placing them on her thighs.

"Because they can overpower us. Her army is twice as large as ours." The other one said.

"We already knew that." I murmured squeezing her thighs and rubbing my hands on the inside.

"Well I was told you had no idea but that you were with her and he said, and I quote, "that woman's a snake and will seduce them into any act she wants.'" He said and I chuckled.

"Is that true Angel?" I asked in her ear immediately earning a scent I so dearly craved. Everyone of my guards and the two men smelt it.

"No. I made this meeting to try to become a unit. I'm far to loyal to their fathers." She smiled but it wasn't to be kind.

"I-I'm sorry." One whispered.

"Where did this come from?" I asked.

"Ryan. The one from the child growth center." The other said.

"He didn't like me when we met." She reminded.

"He called you an alien." I said through my teeth.

"Tell Ryan that he has two days. Nothing further." I said rubbing her silky thighs and tracing her stretch marks reminding myself what brings me happiness.

"Till what?" One asked.

"Execution." I smiled.

"Okay." Both bowed before leaving and I sat back pulling my hands up her thighs and to her stomach as one hand crept to her throat and pulled her back on me. My hand massaged her throat as the other felt her soft stomach.

"Execution hm?" She asked.

"Mmhm." I hummed filling my lungs with her smell.

"You all leave and call the other four over here." I said loudly and they left immediately.

"Why?" She asked.

"Cause I wanna fuck you darling."

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