23. Epilogue

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Bexley Alora's POV

I've spent my next few years raising my children and I've never seen love like they have. They all play and get along and don't even lit each other like toddlers do.

I've gotten married and migrated our planets together onto mine. So many babies have been made and so much humbleness for both genders occurred.

We bombed earth and it caused a war. Oh well.

My babies were loved and so safe.

They looked so much like me but had the tan skin of their fathers. My gorgeous daughter had my long black hair and her brothers would always take turns brushing it.

We offered them different rooms and tried to get them to stay but Kayla always goes to sleep with Killian and Karden.

Ugh how the years have flown by...


Killian Alora's POV

"The fuck did you call her?" I yelled choking the pathetic man as his slut began screaming.

"She's a little slut. She shouldn't rule." The man said and I turned to my fathers who all stood in anger with their arms crossed but my mama walked through and smiled at me before taking his throat.

"My little girl is no slut. I think you have it wrong. You are a dog and so so filthy. God I bet your dick as been in so many women." She scoffed and my brother came next to me with a nasty smile on his face.

He held a knife him and I made and he handed it to ma.

She slit his throat and the woman's screams rumbled through the temple.

"Oh shut up or you're next." She rolled her eyes and they left.

"Any more objections?" Mama asked.

No one spoke.

"Alright. My sons have allowed my daughter to take the throne as they will be her seconds." She smiled and my beautiful sister was seated on the throne as claps rumbled and I ran to her picking her up in a big hug.

"Ugh you deserve this Kayla." Kardan laughed.

"I'm so surprised you let me have this. I though I was to be your guys' second or we'd rule together." She said and I laughed.

"No. We saw what mom has to do as queen and you being her spitting image and having her geniusness is very capable of doing this. You are our rightful queen." I smiled and she touched my cheek closing her eyes and showing me the times when we would play as children and pretend to battle each other.

"I love you guys." She smiled looking at Kardan and I.

"We love you and are so happy for you. I swear to god the future king or queen or whoever better be good." Karden warned.

"That won't happen anytime soon. We're only 28." She smiled.

"Yea yea. You never know." I rubbed her head, ruffling her hair and she slapped my hand off.

"How about a feast?" Pa asked and we laughed.

"Leo walk away and eat yourself." Mama directed him and he laughed.

"Congratulations to you all. I'm very happy and so proud of all of you. Your dad is crying." Father said pointing at our dad.

"Gun go handle Dom. He's a mess." Ma laughed and father walked away laughing.

"Ahh yes my children are so much like us." Uppa joked putting his arm around ma and papa.

"Matteo I swear. Apollo go take all of your brothers away. Mother child time. Shoo." She pushed them away.

"Why do I have five husbands? I don't know anymore. Anyways I'm so proud of all of you and aunt Alyssa and I will be here for any help but I trust you to take care of our planet. Fuck it up and I might take an ear." She smacked my brother and I's stomach roughly.

"Alright we get it momma." Kayla laughed and hugged her.

Literal twins.

"You know, I'm still shocked you all have my eyes." She laughed and hugged Karden next before me.

"Take care of your sister and don't fuck up your brothers you hear me? Or I will spawn five more kids to take your place." She joked and we laughed knowing it might not actually be a joke.

"I love you." She smiled and a calming emotion washed through us. Curse mom powers.

"We love you more mama. Go to the dads' now. Sit at the old parents table." Kayla shooed.

"Well I am only like almost 300 years old nothing much. Your dad's are almost 200." She cackled.

My life.

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