7. Bagel

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Bexley Alora's POV

"How is it over there? Any good dick yet?" Alyssa smiled wiggling her eyebrows.

"Uhm yea five. They're obsessed with me and I warned them. They don't value their jobs enough I suppose." I chuckled.

"Go get 'em girl. They're all so sexy and fuckable." She basically drooled.

"You're done. Muah." I laughed and hung up.

I stood and hummed through the silent palace til I found a fridge larger than my ass.

"So much food!" I smiled pulling out cream cheese and bagels.

"Need help?" A voice asked gripping onto my hips and pressing my backside to his groin.

"Yea grab the toaster will you?" I dismissed and I looked back seeing Gunner deadpan.

"You asked." I shrugged.

"Are you not at all affected by us?" He asked.

"Here we go." I mumbled turning around.

"I am. The only difference is I was made to attract you so what you feel is much stronger." I smiled before moving and grabbing the toaster myself.

"Thats so unfair." Matteo huffed coming in to join us.

"If you don't shut up about intimacy I'll make sure you never receive it again." I snarled making their eyes widen.

"Sorry." They mumbled and I sighed toasting the bagels.

"Now as of this moment my feelings for you are very limited. I haven't seen enough to say shit. Start this claim shit on me and I swear to the saints above I will skin you alive." I whispered.

"Do you understand?" I smiled.

I love being bi-polar.

"Yes ma'am." Matteo whispered and Gun just nodded.

"Thank you." I whispered softly easing their mood.

"Can I go back to being nice with you again?" Gunner asked.

"Of course." I hummed and his hands were on my waist and Matteo came over taking the bagel for me and spreading cream cheese on it.

"Extra?" He asked and I nodded.

He put more on as Gunner buried his head in my neck.

"The smell you have is so lovely Angel." He whispered roughly.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"When you're done eating may I show you something?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled.

Short chap but the next one is good. Love you!

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