11. Begging

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Bexley Alora's POV

Through the night I dismissed all their jokes and comments that would usually make me want more and it frustrated them as I let my women climb on them and want to fuck them.

"Can I talk to you Bexley?" Dom asked and I nodded stepping away as Apollo and Matteo took interest in a pair of twins. It was clear they didn't really take interest, they just wanted me to notice.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Do you only want us when you're at our planet? Is there no actual interest here? Do you think you're too good?" He asked towering over me.

"If you don't take two steps back I might have to reconsider my feelings." I taunted and he did giving me space.

"I am here. With my women. I will only be here for so long till I join you back on that Old Spice planet again so no. I do not plan on fucking you or becoming aroused for fun because I have very limited time with so many people. I apologize it's been 24 hours since you've gotten off but it's only been a day. You do have my interest, just not when I'm surrounded with other people who look up to me. That is my personal leading preference." I said and he nodded.

"Understandable. I apologize for our assumptions. Matteo and Apollo if those people aren't off you in three seconds I will feed your dicks to these creatures." Dom shouted and I laughed as he returned to them.

"I have to leave now as I have been here enough to put things in order. Goodbye." I yelled and they waved.


"Stand and stay standing." Apollo said coming to my desk on the ship as I read papers.

I kept my body bent over but just stood from my chair not focused on him much.

I heard some background noise until a large dick was shoved inside of me making me grip on the desk rather than papers anymore.

"Fuck!" I yelled and he pulled my hips meeting his deep thrusts that caused my eyes to roll back as my door opened to four more guys.

Apollo was set on not letting me pay attention to anything but him inside of me and pulled my hair with one hand while slapping my ass with the other.

"My my. The little girl is getting her brains fucked out." Gunner chuckled watching me as he couldn't see the way my eyes rolled.

"The pretty baby is gonna make me cum so hard." Apollo groaned yanking me back a few more times before warm seed planted itself inside me.

"Me." Matteo said and came back behind me.

"Soon we're gonna have to stretch your asshole so you can take two of us gorgeous." He said and began pumping into me. I nearly cried feeling my stomach expand and shrink in rapid paces.

"Pull her to the edge would you?" Dom asked and Matteo listened dragging me to the edge of the seat where I was met with his bulging pants.

Matteo pulled my hair making my head meet his jeans roughly and Dom unzipped them.

"Say ahhh." Dom cooed and when I did he shoved his dick down my throat. All the others watched as I gagged and was being fucked like a rag doll.

"The little slut just can't get enough." Leo mumbled stepping closer to me.

When Dom quickly came down my throat and I sucked off the rest I swallowed.

"Why haven't you touched me yet?" I asked through breathless moans and Leo walked over to me. He hasn't touched me in any inappropriate way.

"One day, if you want me that bad you'll have to beg for me lovely." He chuckled kissing my forehead.

I do want him though.

"He is rough. If you ever disobey us we will lock you in a room with him and have him do as he pleases. He appears nice but he is worse than I am." Gunner said to me and I suddenly felt the need to cum.

I groaned as I clenched myself around Matteo and he came with me.

"God I love your pussy." He said out of breath.

"But yes Gun is right. Leo is a lunatic. Loves games. Loves edging. Super competitive. God you should hear how he talks about you. He can't wait to stain your body with his hand prints. Make it his new favorite shade of pink. He always talks about how he wonders what kind of pink it'll become." Matteo said wiping my girl parts with a baby wipe.

"Fuck." I panted. That's hot and god the things I'd do for that.

"Gunner can be horrifying too but he's nothing compared to Leo." Dom finished and I sat back down in my chair.

"I'll be begging soon enough." I said as they all left.

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