Yiling Wei Clan

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The Flower Hall buzzed with activity as servants darted about, adjusting silk hangings and polishing delicate tea sets in preparation for the arrival of their esteemed guests from Gusu Lan. Wei Changze, with a gentle smile, observed the scene, his hands clasped behind his back. His wife, Madam Wei, rested in an armchair, her pregnant belly pronounced beneath her embroidered gown.

"My lady, do you think everything is ready?" the head servant asked, casting a concerned glance at the array of preparations.

"Yes, dear, don't worry about it," Madam Wei replied, her tone serene despite the bustling atmosphere.

Their daughter, Wei Qing, age five, and her younger sister, Wei Ying, age three, hovered nearby. Wei Ying's small frame was barely visible beneath her vibrant blue dress, her excitement palpable. Madam Wei’s gaze softened as she looked at her daughters.

"A-níang, did you say Auntie Lan has two children? How old are they? Can we play with them?" Wei Qing's eager question filled the air.

"Of course, Qing dear. Her firstborn is about the same age as you, and her second is the same age as Wei Ying. It’s funny, though—we planned to have children around the same time. If you and her eldest get along well, we might even betroth you to each other someday."

Wei Qing’s face scrunched in thought. "Mother, I don’t want to have an arranged marriage. I want to find my own happiness."

Madam Wei’s smile faded slightly, but she quickly masked her disappointment with a thoughtful nod. "Oh, is that so... Well, perhaps I should suggest to Madam Lan about her second child and our Wei Ying. That might be a more fitting match."

Her reverie was interrupted by the head servant's announcement. "The Gusu Lan Sect has arrived, my lady."

Madam Wei and Madam Lan embraced each other warmly, their reunion a touching display of their long-standing friendship. Their husbands, Sect Leader Lan and Wei Changze, exchanged nods of mutual respect.

"Sister Wei, you’re positively glowing!" Madam Lan teased, her eyes twinkling.

"Yes, yes, I’m about to burst any day now. And we were supposed to be pregnant together!" Madam Wei replied with a laugh, though a note of disappointment lingered in her voice.

"As much as I would have loved that, it seems we weren’t blessed this time," Madam Lan said with a sympathetic smile.

"It's nice to see you again, Auntie Wei," the eldest son of the Lan family, Lan Zhan, known by his courtesy name Wangji, greeted respectfully, bowing deeply to Madam Wei and Sect Leader Wei.

"Lan Zhan, you’ve grown so tall, just like my Wei Ying," Madam Wei remarked, her eyes fond.

Wei Qing and Wei Ying followed suit, offering their greetings. "Wei Qing and Wei Ying greet Sect Leader Lan and Auntie Lan."

Wei Ying's gaze lingered on Lan Zhan, her curiosity evident. "Lan Zhan, I’m Wei Ying."

"Mn, nice to meet you, Wei Ying," Lan Zhan replied with a polite nod.

"Young Master Lan, Second Young Master Lan, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," Wei Qing said with a graceful bow.

"Wen Qing, it’s a pleasure to meet you as well," Lan Xichen, the elder brother, responded warmly.

While the adults engaged in tea and conversation, the children, full of boundless energy, took it upon themselves to guide their guests around the Wei estate.

While the adults engaged in tea and conversation, the children, full of boundless energy, took it upon themselves to guide their guests around the Wei estate

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"It’s truly beautiful here, Qing. I must say, it’s even more charming than our Gusu," Lan Xichen remarked, admiring the well-maintained gardens.

"Thank you, Xichen. You know Mother; she insists on keeping everything perfect, almost like the Celestial Mountain. The good thing here is that there aren’t as many rules. Mother dislikes them, but Father insists," Wei Qing explained, her pride evident.

"Yes, our clan’s rules are rather strict. Sometimes Mother says we should just enjoy being children, but Wangji is so dedicated to the rules, like Shufu Qiren," Lan Xichen added with a grin.

As the children walked through the garden, Wei Ying, eyes sparkling, suddenly stopped and grabbed Lan Zhan’s hand.

"Shameless," Lan Zhan said, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

"Haha, what’s wrong, Lan Zhan? We’re both boys. A-níang says it’s okay to hold hands. Come on, let’s play in the garden," Wei Ying said cheerfully.

"No, stay with Xiongzhang," Lan Zhan replied, his voice firm.

"You're no fun, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying retorted, her face scrunching in disappointment.

"Didi, don’t make fun of Wangji. Behave yourself," Wei Qing chided gently.

The children’s lively interactions and the adults' nostalgic conversations created a warm and welcoming atmosphere. As the sun dipped lower in the sky, the Wei estate seemed to glow with the promise of rekindled friendships and new beginnings.

Published Date Dec 15, 2021
Revised Version July 20 2024

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