Night Out

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After Wei Wuxian walked out of the hall, Lan Zhan waited until the class was over before following him. He found Wei Wuxian sitting in the back mountain, lost in thought.

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan called softly.

"You're here, Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian replied, smiling as Lan Zhan approached.

"Mn," Lan Zhan responded, sitting beside him. He took Wei Wuxian's hand in his, and they enjoyed the quietness together.

"Does Wei Ying want to go to Caiyi Town?" Lan Zhan asked after a while.

"I would love to, Lan Zhan, but we still have classes," Wei Wuxian replied, sighing.

"Not for the next few days. Shufu is going to the Qinghe Nie Clan for some discussions and won't be back until next week," Lan Zhan explained.

"Really? Shall we invite the others to join us then?" Wei Wuxian suggested.

"Don't want others to join," Lan Zhan said firmly.

"Ah... so you just want to spend some time with me? That's alright too. Will you tell Xichen-ge that we're going to Caiyi Town?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Mn. I will tell Gege," Lan Zhan confirmed.

"Alright, Lan Zhan. We can go tonight. I will inform my siblings," Wei Wuxian said, his excitement growing.

Meanwhile, Somewhere in Gusu

"Xichen, did you see my A-Ying?" Wen Qing asked, looking around for her brother.

"No, I haven't seen him. Lan Zhan might be with him," Lan Xichen replied, smiling.

"That's good then. I really want our brothers to end up together," Wen Qing said with a sigh.

"Qing, I must agree with you about this. They just look good together," Lan Xichen said, nodding.

"Yes, then we will become a whole family if A-Ying and A-Zhan get married," Wen Qing said dreamily.

Back to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan

Wei Wuxian was now playing with some bunnies, laughing as they hopped around him. Lan Zhan watched him with a soft smile on his face, feeling a warm happiness bloom in his chest.

He couldn't deny it anymore. Since they were children, Wei Wuxian had always been a persistent and cheerful presence in his life. Even though he had often acted coldly towards him, he had always appreciated Wei Wuxian's efforts to be his friend. Now, as they studied together at Cloud Recesses, something had changed. He looked forward to every moment he spent with Wei Wuxian, whether it was during class, on their adventures, or even in quiet moments like this.

Later that Evening

Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian made their way to the entrance of Cloud Recesses, where Lan Xichen and Wen Qing were waiting to see them off.

"Take care, both of you," Lan Xichen said, smiling warmly at them. "And don't get into too much trouble."

"Don't worry, Xichen-ge. We'll be fine," Wei Wuxian said, grinning. "We'll be back before you know it."

Lan Zhan nodded, his usual stoic expression softened slightly by the presence of his brother and Wen Qing.

"Enjoy your time together," Wen Qing said, giving Wei Wuxian a knowing look.

"We will, Jie," Wei Wuxian promised.

As they walked down the mountain path towards Caiyi Town, the air was filled with the sounds of crickets and the rustling of leaves. The moon was high in the sky, casting a silver glow over the landscape.

"Lan Zhan, do you remember the first time we went to Caiyi Town together?" Wei Wuxian asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Mn," Lan Zhan replied, his mind drifting back to that day. "You caused a lot of trouble."

"I know! But it was fun, wasn't it?" Wei Wuxian laughed, nudging Lan Zhan with his shoulder.

Lan Zhan's lips twitched into a small smile. "Yes, it was."

They arrived in Caiyi Town, the bustling streets filled with people enjoying the evening. Lanterns hung from buildings, casting a warm glow over the town. They wandered through the market, stopping at stalls to look at various trinkets and food.

"Wei Ying, do you want some of that spicy tofu?" Lan Zhan asked, pointing to a stall.

"Yes! I love spicy food," Wei Wuxian replied eagerly.

Lan Zhan bought a portion, and they sat down on a bench to eat. As they shared the food, they talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company.

"Wei Ying, do you ever think about the future?" Lan Zhan asked suddenly, looking at Wei Wuxian.

"Sometimes," Wei Wuxian said thoughtfully. "Why do you ask, Lan Zhan?"

"I want you to be a part of my future," Lan Zhan said quietly, his eyes intense.

Wei Wuxian's heart skipped a beat. "Lan Zhan, I want that too," he said softly, taking Lan Zhan's hand in his.

They sat there for a while, holding hands and watching the world go by. In that moment, everything felt right.

As the night grew late, they reluctantly made their way back to Cloud Recesses, their hearts lighter and their bond stronger. They knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

Revised Version
July 21 2024

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