Unexpected Visitors

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As the sun cast its warm glow through the ornate windows of the Flower Hall, the scent of freshly brewed tea mingled with the aroma of blooming flowers from the garden outside. The adults sat comfortably around the low, polished table, engaged in lively conversation. The steady hum of servants moving about, ensuring everything was perfect, provided a comforting backdrop to their gathering.

"My lady, are you expecting any more guests today?" a servant asked, breaking the gentle murmur of conversation.

Madam Wei glanced up, her expression thoughtful. "Not as I can remember, dear."

Just then, the doors to the hall opened, and Jiang Fengmian, accompanied by Madam Jiang and their two children, stepped in. The unexpected arrivals drew surprised but pleased looks from everyone.

"Greetings, Sect Leader Wei, Madam Wei," Jiang Fengmian and his family greeted, bowing deeply.

"Ah, it's my sworn brother, Sect Leader Jiang, and Madam Jiang," Sect Leader Wei responded, returning the bow with equal respect.

"Sorry for the unexpected visit," Jiang Fengmian said with a smile. "We were traveling nearby and I decided to visit my best friend. I hope it's not too much trouble?"

"Not at all," Madam Wei replied warmly. "Come, join us."

The Jiang family settled into the room, and the servants quickly provided tea for the new guests. The atmosphere was one of easy camaraderie, as old friends reconnected and exchanged pleasantries.

"Madam Jiang, are these your children, Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng?" Madam Wei inquired, her gaze shifting to the two young figures standing beside their parents.

"Yes," Madam Jiang confirmed. "Jiang Yanli is about the same age as your daughter Wei Qing, and Jiang Cheng is about the same age as Wei Ying."

"That's wonderful," Madam Wei said with a smile. "The children are in the Main Pavilion. I'll have a servant take them there so they can meet up and play."

"If it's not too much trouble, then I will be grateful," Madam Jiang said, her tone polite but earnest.

The servants escorted Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng to the Main Pavilion, where they were greeted by Wei Qing, Wei Ying, and the Lan siblings.

"Jiang Yanli greets Young Master Lan and Second Master Lan," Jiang Yanli said with a respectful bow.

"Jiang Cheng greets Young Master Lan and Second Master Lan," Jiang Cheng followed suit, bowing just as formally.

"Maiden Jiang, Second Young Master Jiang," the Lan siblings said in return.

The two Jiang siblings then turned their attention to the Wei children.

"You're very pretty, Maiden Jiang," Wei Ying said, her eyes wide with admiration.

"And you're so cute and beautiful, Second Young Master Jiang," Wei Ying added.

"No, call me Wei Ying, or A-xian," Wei Ying insisted.

"Alright, A-xian, then call me Shijie. This is A-cheng," Jiang Yanli said with a friendly smile.

"Okay, Shijie, I'll call you Shijie, and A-cheng. And Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying exclaimed, her enthusiasm palpable.

"Wei Ying, you're so noisy," Lan Zhan said, his voice tinged with mild exasperation.

The older children laughed at the interaction, finding amusement in the lively dynamics of their younger siblings. They quickly fell into play, each showing off their favorite toys and games. Wei Ying discovered that Lan Zhan was notably reserved, preferring not to engage much in conversation or physical contact. In contrast, Jiang Cheng's grumpy demeanor was a stark contrast to the otherwise cheerful mood.

Meanwhile, back in the Flower Hall, the adults continued their conversation over tea. The ease and warmth of their interaction created a pleasant ambiance.

"Madam Lan, why don't we arrange marriages for our children?" Madam Wei suggested, her tone light but serious.

"That's a great idea, Madam Wei," Madam Lan responded, her eyes brightening with interest.

"I'm thinking of proposing a match between Lan Zhan and Wei Ying," Madam Wei continued.

"I see no problem at all. I believe Wei Ying would be a good match for my Zhan," Madam Lan agreed.

"Madam Wei, I would also like to propose a match between my second child, Jiang Cheng, and your firstborn," Madam Jiang interjected.

"Oh? I see no issue with that, Madam Jiang. However, my firstborn is quite stubborn. If she and Jiang Cheng can learn to appreciate each other, we can consider arranging the match," Madam Wei replied diplomatically.

Madam Jiang's smile faltered slightly, though she quickly masked her disappointment. The ease with which the Lan family's proposal was accepted compared to her own was not lost on her.

"Alright, Madam Wei. My firstborn, Jiang Yanli, is already betrothed to Wen Chao," Madam Jiang said, attempting to maintain a positive tone.

"That's wonderful news, Madam Jiang. My firstborn, Xichen, hasn't found a match yet," Madam Wei responded.

"Madam Jiang, did you say Wen Chao?" Madam Lan asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, the second young master of Qishan Wen," Madam Jiang confirmed.

"Oh... why not propose a marriage to the Jin Clan? Perhaps the second young master, Jin Guangyao, for Xichen?" Madam Wei suggested.

"Cangse, you're always so brilliant. When I return, I will suggest a marriage proposal to the Jins," Madam Jiang said, her expression brightening with renewed hope.

"Madam Wei, are you about to give birth to your third child anytime soon?" Madam Jiang inquired, changing the topic.

"Yes, Madam Jiang, we expect to meet my third child soon," Madam Wei replied with a contented smile.

The conversation continued, each topic flowing seamlessly into the next, as the adults navigated the complex terrain of friendships, alliances, and future arrangements. Meanwhile, the children's laughter and playful chatter echoed from the Main Pavilion, a joyful reminder of the bonds being strengthened and the new connections forming under the warm summer sun.

This story ships
Wei ying x Lan Zhan
Lan Xichen x Jin Guangyao
Jiang Yanli x Jin Jixuan
Jiang Cheng x Wei Qing
Wei Ning x Nie Huaisang

So stay with me and find out what will happen ..take care lovelies xx

Published Date Dec 16 2021
Revised and Rewritten Version
July 20 2024

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