First Kiss, First date

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The sun was high, and Wei Ying sat in the library, painstakingly copying the rules of the Gusu Lan Clan as his punishment from Old Master Lan. Across from him, Lan Wangji sat quietly, reading a book while keeping a watchful eye on Wei Ying.

Wei Ying sighed loudly. "This is so boring. Shall I make some butterflies to disturb him?" he thought mischievously.

Taking out some talismans, he sent a flurry of magical butterflies towards Lan Wangji, who immediately looked up, annoyance flickering in his eyes.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Wangji scolded.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, you're no fun. This is so boring. My hands hurt. Can we do something else for fun?" Wei Ying pleaded, putting on his best puppy-dog eyes.

Lan Wangji sighed internally, his stern facade cracking just a little. "What do you want to do, Wei Ying?"

"No, finish copying the rules," Lan Wangji said firmly.

"It's so boring, Lan Zhan. Would you like me to tell you a story?" Wei Ying offered, hoping to distract his friend.

"Finish your punishment," Lan Wangji insisted.

"Alright, alright, Lan Zhan. But you have to go with me to Caiyi Town. I miss eating spicy foods. Your food is so bland that I may not survive here and go home!" Wei Ying teased.

You want to go home? Are you not happy with me here? You can't go home, Wei Ying, not without me, Lan Wangji thought, but he only said, "I will go with Wei Ying."

"That's a deal then, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said, grinning from ear to ear.

With renewed enthusiasm, Wei Ying resumed writing the rules. After some time, it was lunch, and Wei Wuxian asked Lan Wangji to join him for a meal. As they were heading out of the library, they met Lan Xichen.

"A-Xian, A-Zhan," Lan Xichen greeted them warmly.

"Xiongzhang," Lan Wangji replied.

"Xichen-ge," Wei Ying added.

"Didi, are you and A-Xian going out?" Lan Xichen asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Mn. Wei Ying wants to eat spicy foods," Lan Wangji explained.

"That's good for both of you, Didi. Have a date with A-Xian," Lan Xichen teased.

"I hope both of you enjoy your date then," he added with a wink.

"Xiongzhang!" Lan Wangji protested, his ears turning red.

"Xichen-ge!" Wei Ying exclaimed, his face flushing.

Both Wei Ying and Lan Wangji turned a deep shade of red at Lan Xichen's teasing, then bid their goodbyes and continued towards Caiyi Town.

"Lan Zhan, have you ever had your first kiss?" Wei Ying asked suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.

No, but I want it to be you, Wei Ying, Lan Wangji thought.

"I bet you've never been kissed. Would you let me have the pleasure of giving you your first kiss then?" Wei Ying asked playfully.

I would love to, Wei Ying! Lan Wangji thought again, but he only said, "Shameless."

"Eh, Lan Zhan, it would be my first kiss too, you know. You're lucky if you get my first kiss," Wei Ying teased.

Lan Wangji stopped walking and turned to face Wei Ying. Suddenly, he grabbed Wei Ying and pinned him against a nearby tree, pressing his lips against Wei Ying's in a fierce kiss.

Wei Ying's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly melted into the kiss, opening his mouth to let Lan Wangji's tongue explore. They kissed passionately, their tongues dancing and their breaths mingling. After a few moments, they pulled away, both breathless and flushed.

"L-Lan Zhan," Wei Ying stammered.

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji replied, his voice soft but firm.

Wei Ying reached up and pulled Lan Wangji's head down, kissing him again. This time, Wei Ying took the lead, kissing Lan Wangji with all the passion he felt. Lan Wangji moaned softly into Wei Ying's mouth, his hands gripping Wei Ying's waist tightly. After a while, they broke apart again, both gasping for air. Lan Wangji wrapped his arms around Wei Ying in a tight hug.

"L-Lan Zhan, what just happened?" Wei Ying asked, his voice trembling.

From this moment on, you're mine, Wei Ying. You will be my husband and lifetime partner, Lan Wangji thought, but he only said, "We just kissed."

"I know we just kissed, but why did you kiss me, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying asked, still in shock.

"You asked for it, didn't you?" Lan Wangji replied, a small smile playing on his lips.

Wei Ying blushed, remembering that he had indeed asked for the kiss. They continued their walk to the town, Lan Wangji holding Wei Ying's hand. There was a new understanding between them, a mutual acknowledgment of their feelings.

Wei Ying felt a warm glow in his chest. He liked this change, this new closeness with Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji, for his part, was happy knowing he had shared Wei Ying's first kiss and given his own in return.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Wei Ying ordered a variety of spicy dishes and a bottle of Emperor's Smile. Lan Wangji, as always, opted for milder foods and tea.

"Lan Zhan, try these. They're so delicious," Wei Ying said, offering a spoonful of spicy food to Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji took the offered bite, chewing thoughtfully. "Mn. It's delicious, like Wei Ying," he said softly.

"Eh, Lan Zhan, you have to warn me next time you do this," Wei Ying said, blushing furiously.

"Do what?" Lan Wangji asked innocently.

"I'm supposed to be teasing you, not the other way around," Wei Ying complained.

"Wei Ying is delicious," Lan Wangji repeated, his expression serious.

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying exclaimed, his face now as red as the spicy food he loved.

They continued their meal, enjoying the food and each other's company. The bond between them grew stronger with every shared laugh and every stolen glance. By the time they finished their lunch and headed back to Cloud Recesses, both Wei Ying and Lan Wangji felt a deep sense of contentment and a promise of more to come.

Hi everyone, I'm not really sure when would I be able to update again since it's a question of network connection. If I have a good connection then I can update I only need to post the chapters as I already been doing daily updates on my notes. So see you all next time..take care xoxo. Dec 23 2021

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