The Untamed Vs Wens

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The vibrant city of Lanling bustled with activity as its denizens went about their daily routines. In a quaint, bustling restaurant, a familiar group of friends gathered around a long table. The clamor of conversation and the clinking of dishes created a lively backdrop for their lunch.

Jiang Cheng, Lan Xichen, and Jin Jixuan were deep in conversation, their tones animated and full of camaraderie.

"Jiang-xiong, I heard from Dage that you and Shijie went on a night hunt and eliminated lots of water ghouls," Jin Jixuan said, a hint of admiration in his voice.

"Nie-xiong, what do you expect? We’re the twin prides of Yunmeng," Jiang Cheng replied with a smirk.

"Eh, not as impressive as my Lan Zhan, the Twin Jade of Gusu!" Wei Wuxian chimed in, his tone light but teasing.

Lan Xichen chuckled at Wei Wuxian’s comment, while Lan Wangji's ears flushed slightly, a rare sign of embarrassment. The group continued to enjoy their meal, exchanging stories and light-hearted banter.

"Yanli, I've heard from A-níang that you and the second young master of Qishan are engaged?" Wei Ying asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Jiang Yanli nodded, her expression a mix of resignation and acceptance. "Yes, Father and Mother just told me the other day."

The revelation caught Jin Jixuan’s attention. He had long admired Jiang Yanli from afar but had always been too shy to express his feelings, fearing it might disrupt their close friendship.

"Why Qishan?" Wei Ying asked, her gaze shifting to her Shijie. The group had always been close-knit, a chosen family who protected and teased each other in equal measure.

Before Jiang Yanli could respond, the door to their private dining room swung open. Wen Chao, the second young master of Qishan, strolled in with an air of arrogance.

"What about Qishan?" Wen Chao demanded, his tone dripping with disdain.

"Second Young Master Wen," Lan Xichen greeted with a polite bow, the others following suit.

"I’m asking what about Qishan? Do you have a problem with the engagement?" Wen Chao pressed, his gaze sweeping over the group with condescension.

"Not at all, Second Young Master Wen. We were merely discussing Maiden Yanli’s marriage," Lan Xichen answered, his voice calm and measured despite the tension.

Wen Chao’s presence had the potential to ignite tempers, and Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian, and Jin Jixuan were already on edge. However, before they could react, Wei Ying spoke up.

"Apologies, Second Young Master Wen, but if there’s nothing else, may we continue our lunch in peace?" she said, her voice firm but polite.

Wen Chao’s glare lingered for a moment before he turned on his heel and exited the room with his entourage, his departure as haughty as his entrance.

"Shijie, do you want us to teach that bastard a lesson?" Wei Ying asked, her eyes flashing with indignation.

"Language, A-xian," Jiang Yanli chided gently, though her own frustration was evident.

"Yanli, he’s not being fair. He’s too arrogant, thinking his father’s position entitles him to be insufferable," Jin Jixuan said angrily, his fists clenched.

Jin Guangyao placed a calming hand on his brother’s shoulder. "Jixuan, calm down. Let’s not let him ruin our lunch."

"Let’s just enjoy our meal and not let Wen Chao spoil our day," Jiang Cheng added, his tone soothing.

The group settled back into their meal, the earlier tension slowly dissolving as they resumed their conversations and laughter. After lunch, they went their separate ways, returning to their respective sects and responsibilities.


Months passed, and the friendship among the group of friends deepened. The bonds between them grew stronger, and their collective adventures became legendary. The group, known affectionately as "The Untamed," was comprised of the following:

- The Twin Jade’s of Gusu: Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji
- The Amazing Trio of Yiling: Wei Qing, Wei Ying, and Wei Ning
- The Twin Pride of Yunmeng: Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli
- The Golden Twin of Lanling: Jin Jixuan and Jin Guangyao
- The Headshaker of Qinghe: Nie Huaisang

Each member had their own unique qualities and contributions to the group, and together, they created a formidable team.

With the start of a new year, Gusu Lan Sect extended an invitation to all the major sects to join their classes for a year. This was a chance for their young disciples to train together and forge deeper bonds. Lan Xichen was especially thrilled at the prospect of spending the year with his friends. Lan Wangji, though often reserved, was equally pleased at the thought of seeing Wei Ying again, even if all she did was tease him.

The Amazing Trio of Yiling eagerly awaited Nie Huaisang before heading to Yunmeng, where they would then journey to Gusu together. Their anticipation was palpable as they prepared for the upcoming year.

As they gathered once more, the sense of camaraderie and excitement was unmistakable. They were more than friends; they were a family bound by shared experiences, mutual respect, and unbreakable loyalty. The adventures they would share and the challenges they would face were sure to strengthen their bond even further. For now, they looked forward to the coming year, ready to embrace whatever the future held for "The Untamed."

Published Date Dec 16, 2021
Revised and Rewritten
July 20 2024

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