Opening Ceremony

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The grand hall of the Gusu Lan Sect was abuzz with anticipation as the students and guests gathered for the opening class ceremony. The ornate decorations and the meticulous arrangements highlighted the importance of the occasion. The Wei siblings made their way to the hall, their excitement mingled with the sense of grandeur that Gusu always seemed to exude.

As soon as they entered the room, their friends from the other sects greeted them with familiar smiles and nods. Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji, Nie Huaisang, and the Jin brothers, Jin Guangyao and Jin Jixuan, approached them warmly.

"Greetings, everyone," Wei Qing said, her voice carrying a cheerful tone as she and her brothers bowed.

"Welcome to Gusu, A-Qing, A-Xian, A-Ning," Lan Xichen responded, his smile genuine.

"Thank you, Xichen-ge. Gusu seems fascinating, though I can already tell you have a lot of rules," Wei Ying remarked, casting a playful glance at Lan Wangji.

"Indeed, Wei Ying should follow the rules," Lan Wangji said, his tone calm but firm.

"Ah, Lan Zhan, you know I hate the rules," Wei Ying countered with a grin.

"A-Xian, you should follow them if you don’t want Old Master Lan to punish you. He is quite strict," Jin Jixuan added, his voice laced with concern.

"Jixuan-ge," Wei Ying protested, but his words were cut off as the door to the hall opened.

Old Master Lan Qiren entered, his presence commanding immediate respect. The students and sect leaders stood in reverence as he made his way to the front. The ceremony began in earnest, with each sect presenting their gifts in turn. The Lanling Jin Sect went first, followed by the Qinghe Nie Sect, then the Yunmeng Jiang Sect. Finally, it was the Yiling Wei Sect’s turn.

"Greetings, Master Lan Qiren. I am Wei Qing, young maiden of the Yiling Wei Sect, and together with my two younger brothers, Wei Ying and Wei Ning, we are here to study under your esteemed guidance. Please—" Wei Qing began, her tone formal and respectful.

However, her speech was abruptly interrupted by the entrance of another group. The Young Master of Qishan Wen Sect, Wen Xu, barged in, flanked by his brothers Wen Zhuliu and Wen Chao, along with their disciples.

"I didn’t know the Gusu Clan was so hard to deal with. They don’t even know how to show respect," Wen Xu announced loudly, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Then if you want respect, why not show some respect first? Respect is earned," Wei Ying shot back, his patience wearing thin.

"Who’s this dog barking?" Wen Xu sneered.

"I can’t be called a dog. I am Wei Ying, courtesy name Wei Wuxian, second young master of the Yiling Wei Clan," Wei Ying retorted, his voice steady despite his irritation.

Before the situation could escalate further, Lan Qiren stepped forward, his authoritative presence cutting through the tension. "Fighting and arrogance are forbidden in Cloud Recesses. Young Master Wen, please take your seats now."

Wen Xu and his siblings exchanged glances, clearly unwilling to back down but knowing better than to defy Old Master Lan directly. They took their seats with visible reluctance.

The ceremony continued smoothly, despite the earlier disruption. As the day drew to a close, the group of friends gathered for dinner, their spirits lifted by the end of the formal proceedings. The Lan siblings had been summoned by Old Master Lan, and their absence was noted by the rest of the group.

"A-Xian, can we still have some fun here?" Wei Ying asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"A-Sang, of course. How about we celebrate the opening class ceremony with some drinks tonight?" Nie Huaisang suggested enthusiastically.

"I’m on it. Are you with us, A-Xuan, A-Yao?" Wei Ying looked towards the Jin brothers.

"Of course," Jin Guangyao replied, a smile playing on his lips. "Yes, brother and I are in," Jin Jixuan added.

"Dage, what if Old Master Lan catches us?" Wei Ning asked, his tone tinged with concern.

"Didi, don’t worry. Your Dage will make sure we put some talismans to ward off any trouble," Wei Ying assured his younger brother.

"A-Ning, A-Ying, you know there will be consequences if Old Master Lan catches you," Wei Qing said, her voice gentle but firm.

"Right, A-Xian. A-Qing and I are just worried about all of you getting caught," Wei Ning added.

"A-Jie, Shijie, it’s alright. We won’t get caught, right guys?" Wei Ying rallied the group.

"That’s right," the rest of the Heirs agreed, their voices united in assurance as they moved to their seats to begin dinner.

As the evening wore on, the Lan siblings eventually joined the group, their expressions serious but relaxed after their meeting with Old Master Lan. The dinner was filled with lively conversation and laughter, a fitting end to a day that had been both eventful and challenging.

The camaraderie among the friends was evident as they shared stories, teased one another, and planned their activities for the coming year. The promise of more adventures and mischief hung in the air, tempered only by the respect they held for their new surroundings and the traditions they were learning to navigate.

As the night fell, the group of friends dispersed, each heading to their respective quarters with the anticipation of a new beginning at the Gusu Lan Sect. The bonds they had forged would be tested and strengthened in the coming months, but for now, they were united in their shared excitement and determination to make the most of their time together in Cloud Recesses.


How's your dearest readers? I'm hoping everyone is safe and dry.. here in our place we don't have electricity, and water connection..I've written this chapter while I still have battery percent on my phone we have no signal as well..tonight finally some signal network shows up so here I am posting this chapter...stay dry and safe Wangxian..xx
Dec 17 2021

Revised and Rewritten Version
July 20 2024

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