Old Master Lan

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Before we start I just want to clear things up my main language is not English I'm from Cebu Philippines so basically I speak Bisaya, Tagalog and not so fluent with English so I'm very sorry if my grammar is wrong, if you notice some wrong spelling and you want to correct me feel free but please do it kindly okay? I don't mind if someone will correct me just don't offend me. I did this novel for FUN ONLY and I'm not a professional author so don't expect this book to be perfect. There might be a mistakes with spelling due to my fast writing speed and also I don't usually re-read what I write and it If i don't do it fast I will forget the whole idea within the next minutes so again I AM SO SORRY.. I don't really mean it and besides I'm not perfect and NO one is perfect either. Anyways I hope everyone else are alright,safe and healthy take care ..xoxo Note On Dec 23 2021


After their lunch date, Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian walked back to Cloud Recesses with a newfound sense of closeness. As they approached, they saw Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng sitting under a tree, enjoying some melons.

"A-Xian, A-Zhan, come and join us!" Nie Huaisang called out, waving them over.

"A-Sang, Cheng Cheng, is this your dessert?" Wei Wuxian asked, grinning.

"He wanted to have some melons, saying it's too hot today and would prefer to have some," Jiang Cheng replied, rolling his eyes.

"A-Cheng, you agreed, remember? I didn't force you. By the way, where have you and A-Zhan been? We've been looking for both of you," Nie Huaisang asked, curiosity evident in his eyes.

Shall we tell them that me and Lan Zhan went out for a date? Wei Wuxian thought, sneaking a glance at Lan Zhan.

Will Wei Ying tell them that we've been out for a date? Lan Zhan wondered silently.

"We just went somewhere to do something," Wei Wuxian replied vaguely.

"Mn. Went out with Wei Ying," Lan Zhan confirmed.

"Is that so? Let's have some melons," Nie Huaisang said, offering them slices.

They all enjoyed the refreshing melons, laughing and chatting together. Afterward, they made their way to the classroom, where Old Master Lan Qiren would be teaching the next lesson.

Lan Qiren began by asking a series of questions, and Wei Wuxian answered each one correctly and with ease. The disciples looked at him in awe, whispering among themselves.

"It's common that you have known these all by heart. Answering correctly is nothing to be proud of," Lan Qiren said, stroking his beard. He turned to look Wei Wuxian in the eye and continued, "Let me ask you another question."

Lan Qiren asked a particularly difficult question, and Wei Wuxian paused, not immediately answering. The other disciples panicked and started discussing among themselves. Lan Qiren then asked Lan Wangji to answer the question, and he did so perfectly. Lan Qiren turned back to Wei Wuxian and began scolding him.

"If one becomes complacent and proud just from defeating a few simple mountain monsters in one's home and obtaining an undeserved reputation, they will definitely bring disgrace upon themselves sooner or later," Lan Qiren admonished.

This old man talks as if he knows me? Ha. He even called on his best pupil to hit me, Wei Wuxian thought, his frustration growing.

"I have a question," Wei Wuxian said suddenly.

Lan Qiren, who was about to continue with the lesson, paused and looked at Wei Wuxian. "Speak," he said curtly.

Wei Wuxian posed his question, and before Lan Qiren could answer, Lan Wangji stood up and repeated the same words as before, providing the answer. Wei Wuxian smiled and turned to look at Lan Wangji.

"It wasn't that I didn't know the answer. I was only thinking of a fourth path," Wei Wuxian explained.

"I have never heard of a fourth path," Lan Qiren spat out, clearly annoyed.

Wei Wuxian proceeded to explain his point, and the entire class fell silent, unsure of what to make of his unorthodox views. Lan Qiren, unable to contain his frustration, threw a scroll at Wei Wuxian, who dodged it and laughed.

"Nonsense," Lan Qiren declared.

"Spiritual energy is energy. Resentful energy is also energy," Wei Wuxian argued.

"You... If you thought of it, the Cultivation World would not allow your existence. Get out!!!" Lan Qiren shouted.

"Okay, okay. I am getting out now. Getting out now...hahaha," Wei Wuxian replied happily, making his way out of the classroom with his sword, Suibian, in one hand.

The disciples laughed as Wei Wuxian exited the hall, his cheerful demeanor contrasting sharply with Lan Qiren's shock and frustration.

Lan Wangji watched Wei Wuxian leave, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. Despite his Shufu's harsh words, he couldn't help but admire Wei Wuxian's boldness and unique perspective.

Outside, Wei Wuxian found a quiet spot and sat down, his mind buzzing with thoughts. The encounter with Lan Qiren had been intense, but it had also been exhilarating. He loved challenging norms and pushing boundaries, even if it meant getting into trouble.

As he sat there, he felt a presence beside him. Turning, he saw Lan Wangji, who had followed him out.

"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji said softly.

"Lan Zhan, you're here," Wei Wuxian replied, smiling.

"You were right," Lan Wangji said, sitting down next to him. "Your perspective is unique and valuable. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Wei Wuxian's smile widened. "Thanks, Lan Zhan. It means a lot to hear that from you."

They sat in companionable silence for a while, the bond between them growing stronger with each passing moment. Despite the challenges and the reprimands, they knew they had each other's backs.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji stood up and made their way back. There would be more challenges ahead, but together, they felt ready to face anything.

Revised Version
July 21 2024

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