Everything I Got and Some Cherry Snot

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Time stops as I recognize his voice

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Time stops as I recognize his voice. His voice. I slowly turn around and my eyes hit his warm honey ones.

A disbelieving laugh bubbles out of my throat. "Bell?"

A smile breaks onto his face before he breaks out into a run towards me, his arms open wide. I meet him halfway, jumping into his arms.

My heartbeat thunders in my ears and my eyes tear up. "I thought you were dead," I mutter into his shoulder.

"I thought you were too," He murmurs before pulling away. "Hailey, I am so sorry about Elliot." He holds my face in his hands, his eyes tearing up at the sight of my pain.

"It wasn't your fault," I murmur, laying my hands on top of his on my cheeks. Then, reality slams into me. I'm different. He's different. And so is Finn.

I slowly pull away from him and turn to face Finn's destruction.

My face falls at the number of bodies lying around. Octavia sits by one of them with her head laying on top of a young boy's forehead. I slowly make my way towards her.

I sit down next to the body and murmur, "Yu gomplei ste odon." Your fight is over.

Octavia looks up at me with red eyes and flushed cheeks. "Finn has to pay." Her voice is low and anger darkens her tone.

I hesitate for a moment, willing for Finn's image to change back to the innocent boy i once knew, but all I can imagine is the gunfire.

"Yeah," I nod, my eyes narrowing. I turn my head and look over at an unconscious Finn. "He does."


Octavia and I walk side by side with Bellamy on my left and Clarke walking up ahead. Murphy trails behind us, not quite knowing who to walk with. Finn walks ahead, trying to catch up to Clarke and explain why he just did what he did, but it's no easy feat explaining that he killed the people for her.

I snort to myself, causing Octavia to look at me and for Bellamy's eyebrows to screw together. I shake my head, dismissing the thought.

I drop my pace, so I can walk next to Murphy. He looks at me, but his face remains impassive as he continues to gaze ahead. "Finn is a bitch." I say suddenly, voicing the thought I had.

I look over at Murphy and my laughter finally makes it through.

I wheeze and double over, trying to explain. "He..." I gasp, pointing at Finn. "Is a bitch." I say again, laughing.

"Uhh... Yeah, I got that, but... why is that funny?" Murphy trails off.

"Because..." I wheeze. "He is a dog that is pining after its owner." I can't take it anymore and fall to the ground in a fit of laughter.

"You're laughing because you compared Finn to a dog." Murphy sighs and sits on the ground next to me.

After a moment, I recollect myself and glance at the group, but find them gone. I look back over at Murphy and sigh.

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