I Gave You All By Mumford and Sons

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"When will she wake up?" Finn asks me as I lightly move Clarke's head into my lap

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"When will she wake up?" Finn asks me as I lightly move Clarke's head into my lap.

"Soon," I murmur, pushing a price of hair behind her ear.

I hear Finn sigh, causing me to look up at him. "She'll be fine, Finn." I say, my lips curving downwards.

He looks down at me with a look that I can't decipher. I look away first.

"I never apologised about what I said when we were captured by the grounders." He says, sitting down.

I shake my head. "You don't need to."

"Yeah," He begins. "I do." He pauses. "I was hurt because we've known each other for years and when I heard that you thought about leaving us, even for a second," He sighs. "I was hurt. And I know I was wrong to say what I did and I know I can't make up for it."

I reach over and place my hand on his and squeeze. "Finn, it's okay. I already forgave you weeks ago."

A small smile makes its way onto his face. "Thanks Hails."

I smile back at him. "Of course, Spacewalker."

He rolls his eyes and pulls his hand away from mine. "You had to ruin the moment." He says, chuckling.

"What are you guys laughing about?" A voice croaks from in my lap. I look down and make eye contact with Clarke.

"How're you feeling?" I ask.

She grimaces. "Like i've been hit by a 350 pound grounder."

I chuckle. "You'll be fine." I say as she sits up.

"Where is everyone?" She asks, rubbing her temple.

"Well, Raven, Bellamy and Murphy are outside." I say, standing.

"Wait, Murphy?" She asks, confused.

"Yeah, Raven invited him." I say.

Her eyebrows furrow, but she doesn't press it any further and instead Finn helps her stand. It's at that moment that the trio walks in.

"Clarke," Raven nods. "You're awake."

She nods, "Yeah," She says, looking at Murphy. "Why are you here?"

He rolls his eyes and catches mine. "As I already told Rhett, I was invited by Raven." He says, crossing his arms.

Clarke looks over at Raven. "Why?"

Raven goes to answer but pauses, which causes my eyes to narrow. "The truth, Ray." I say, interrupting her.

She stares at me for a moment before sighing. "Think of how it would be to blame him for what Finn did."

"Whoa," Murphy gasps, stepping back. "I came here out of a curtesy because I thought you needed my help."

"He was there too." Raven continues without missing a beat. "The grounders were running away from Finn, they won't know the difference."

"Raven." I raise my voice, getting her attention. "You can't seriously be thinking about this."

"I am and you should too." She says, walking towards me. "He tried to kill Bellamy, Hailey."

I look down, thinking about his confession of love that he delivered ever so gracefully.

"Think about it," She continues. "The world will be better off with one less John Murphy."

I shake my head. "No, absolutely not, Ray."

She opens her mouth to rebut, but Finn intervenes. "Stop, okay?" He walks up to Raven. "Nobody else is getting punished for my mistakes."

Her face crumples. "I can't let you die, Finn."

"You won't." He says before turning to the rest of us. "We're going to guard this place."

Bellamy and I nod immediately. "We can do that." He says, speaking for me.

Finn nods with a ghost of a smile on his lips. "I'll stay in the dropship and you guys can all guard outside." He says and everyone nods, but I remain still. An uneasy feeling sinks into my skin. "We can do this." He manages to smile, but I notice that it doesn't reach his eyes.

Everyone leaves the dropship, which leaves Finn and I. Finn walks over to a chair and sits down.

"I know what you're doing." I say, still standing.

"I know." He looks down.

"You can't do this, Finn." I say, my voice cracking.

"I have to, Rhett." He murmurs, using my middle name.

I look away, my eyes filling with tears. "There's no way to convince you, is there?" My voice breaks as a tear rolls down my face.

He takes a deep breath and sighs, silently shaking his head.

I press my lips together before I walk over to him, causing him to stand. I look up at his face and slowly raise my hand to his cheek. My eyes trace over his freckled skin and brown eyes. My eyes catch a small scar on his forehead, causing me to let out a small, exasperated chuckle.

"Remember when I pushed you off a stool in--" I begin but he cuts me off.

"In the engineering room." He lets out a small laugh. "Yeah, you called me a pain in the pinky because in your mind," He chuckles. "That would be the most painful finger to get a cut on, which might I add," He begins to laugh, which causes me to set my forehead on his chest, laughing silently. "Is probably completely wrong." He laughs as he wraps his arms around me.

"I love you." I murmur into his chest.

"I know."

"I'm going to miss you." I say again, tears once again filling my eyes.

"I know." He says, sighing. "You've lost too many people."

I nod my head, not trusting my voice to speak.

"They're here!" Bellamy shouts from outside. "Guns at the ready!" He yells, which causes us to break apart.

"Please don't." I beg him, "You don't have to do this." I clench my fists in his shirt. "We can find a way to persuade them." Tears begin to fall down my face, but he wipes them away.

"You've done all you can." He says with his hands holding my face. "I love you."

I nod, "I know, Finn."

He smiles, and a tear falls from his eye. "I'll see you later?" He says and my heart breaks.

More tears fall but I don't stop him as he walks out of the dropship and past our friends outside. I hear yelling as I collapse onto my knees. I don't hear anything as the world goes quiet.

Another person I love has just signed their death sentence.



i hope you all know that i am in fact crying too

so many tears

and the song makes it worse, so if you want a good cry, listen to it

anyway, love you all so much

- abigail

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