Chapter 21

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Tommy POV

Friday ~ 9:42pm
We had just arrived at Ranboo's apartment, and he had explained to me that his aunt wasn't going to be there because she was out with her girlfriend.

We walked in, and he led me to his room. I sat on his bed, and he quickly went to change. Then he came back and sat next to me on his bed.

" what did you want to tell me Tommy?" He asked curious.

"Well, it's complicated.....and I'm not sure you'll like it very much...." I said looking away from him.

"Well just say it, it's alright....." He said cupping my face in his hand. 

I couldn't tell him....., "I'm sorry, but I just wanted an excuse to hang out with you and get away from my crazy family."

He kissed my cheek, "Tommy, you said it was something you worried me for nothing?"

"Yeah,.....sorry about that." I frowned at him.....I just couldn't take the chance.

He hugged me, "I know your lying, but I won't push you to tell me."

Then the tears ran down my face silently, and ofcourse he noticed right away.

"T- Toms?! What's wrong darling?" He asked wiping away my tears.

I sniffled, "Don't call me hurts Ranboo? Just......stop."

"W- What?.....I don't understand......what did I d- do?" He seemed scared.

"Stop flirting with and acting like you care" tears fell down my face as I continued crying, "...I can't take it......"

"I- I'm sorry Tommy.....I'll stop." He looked away from me.

I'd fucked attempt to save it I said, "N- No don't understand, you didn't really do anything.....I- I'm sorry, forget what I said.....I-"

He cut me off, "Tommy, I understand....I make you uncomfortable......I'm sorry. I won't do anything like that anymore. I'm sorry I did in the first place,.......I just thought you maybe....l- liked it." Then he laughed awkwardly.

"I do like it Ranboo.....I didn't mean what I said's....complicated." I said reaching for his hand.

He pulled away, "Tommy, you wouldn't have said that if even a portion of you didn't believe it."

I grabbed his hand, "No Ranboo! That's not what I ment, I's all out of context.....that I can't give you.....not yet. I just want to enjoy being with you, and can be overwhelming...I'm always messing up, but don't push me away, because I want to be with you. I like you....a lot and that's what hurts...."

He looked at me and sighed, "I dont think I'll ever understand you. But I know I lo- like you...." he awkwardly laughed again.

What was he gonna say?......

"I like you too, let's keep this how it is okay." I smiled at him.

I don't want to keep this how it is....I want so much more, but I could never tell him that...I can't risk it....not yet, because we're in too fragile a place.

He smiled and nodded.

I almost ruined everything......I'm so stupid, I thought I was lay it all on the risk this cuddly friendship......and leave it all behind. Turns out I was scared, of heart break and rejection....but most of all I couldn't risk your affection, all in hopes to pursue something new. Cause if you didn't care for me the way I did for you, I'd be totally shattered.......and my heart would ache for you. I can't imagine my life without you in it. If you left me......only God knows what I'd do,.....and I'm not willing to take that chance on you.....I could never be so throw that all little hopes........that you............loved me.

Ranboo Pov

"No Ranboo! That's not what I ment, I's all out of context.....that I can't give you, not yet. I just want to enjoy being with you and can be overwhelming...I'm always messing up, but don't push me away, because I want to be with you. I like you....a lot and that's what hurts...." He said seeming desperate.

Be with me?......not like that....I read too much into things........

I looked at him and sighed, "I dont think I'll ever understand you. But I know I lo- like you...." I awkwardly laughed again.

"I like you too, let's keep this how it is okay." He smiled at me.

I don't want to keep it how it is....I want it to be more, but I could never tell him that...he has to be the one to come forward about how he feels....because he's too fragile for me to risk.

However, I just smiled and nodded.

Time Skip ~ 11:14pm

Me and Tommy were watching a movie together, he was sitting on my lap, and I was holding his hand, with my other hand around him. It was nice, comfortable, and intimate. Sadly, it was all interrupted soon.

We heard the lock rattle, and I knew it was Lexi trying to unlock get in. When Tommy heard, he jumped off me and pushed me away a little bit. I just sighed.

It was a little annoying that he could only be intimate with me infront of Tubbo, which is weird because Tubbo teases the most. However it could be because Tubbo and I are the only ones he'd come out to.

When Lexi came in she said hello, and asked if Tommy would be staying. We told her no, because she'd probably say no either way, and Tommy's brother Wilbur was already on the way.

She just went to her room, and probably fell asleep. Me and Tommy however, returned to how we were before and then waited for his brother to arrive.

Time Skip ~ 11:29pm

There was a knock at the door. I got up to get it and Tommy stayed on the couch. I opened the door and saw Wilbur there.

He smiled, "Hello there Ranboo! Is Tommy here, we've gotta get goin."

I nodded, "Yeah, come on in. He's in the living room."

He came in and I led him to the living room where Tommy was. Tommy got up quickly and went to hug Wilbur.

"Hey Will." He said.

"Hey Tommy, you ready to go?"He asked looking down at him.

"Yeah, let me just get my phone from Ranboo's room. It's charging in there." He grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me along with him.

When we got into the room he hugged me tightly, "Goodnight Ranboo, I'll see you later okay?"

I nodded and kissed his cheek, "Alright darling, I'll call you tomorrow.....I promise."

He smiled, then grabbed his phone. We walked back out to Wilbur, we said goodbye and then they left. I went back to my room and I layed down in my bed. I quickly fell asleep, in my warm bed....And when I was in deep enough sleep, I awoke in the familiar, never ending field.

I sighed.

Oh well......

1,192 words.
Sorry, you didn't get the confession :(
Maybe later idk.
It had to flow right, y'know?
Anyways thanks for reading, bye! :D

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