Chapter 58

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Tommy VOP

Friday ~ 3:58pm
I sat down at the patio table in the backyard, with my mum, dad, and Ranboo.

Now, I didn't want to be here, but my perfect boyfriend took the offer......because he's perfect. I would be making an effort to get away from him and read the note alone, but I'd made a promise. And if breaking the promise hurt us, then I wasn't willing to risk any of it.

"How nice of you to join us." My mother said smiling mainly at Ranboo.

" too Tommy." My dad chuckled, "So, I take it this was Ranboo's decision?"

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Whatever."

Then I felt Ranboo move his hand on my thigh under the table, making me blush as he said, "We both decided to come. Right Toms?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand, holding it. Then I replied, "Mhmmm."

"That's nice." My father smiled.

"So, what's up with you two?" My mum asked.

"Mum, we're doing perfectly fine. Even if we weren't, it's none of your buisness." I replied huffing.

Ranboo squeezed my hand. "We're doing great, thankyou for asking Ma'am."

Jeez, he's sounding like more of a suck up then me....and I genuinely like Lexi.

Phil sighed, "Any fighting?"

"Dad!" I yelled upset, "You don't ask things like that!....,but me and Ranboo never fight. We're too perfect together."

Ranboo chuckled, "Yeah.....we don't fight much."

"Oh?.....much?" My mother asked.

"Mum, stop it." I glared at her.

"It's okay Toms." He brought up our held hands and kissed mine, "No couples perfect, but our fights never even last a day. And when we do fight, its always small."

I smiled at him, He even answers perfectly.

My father smirked, "Wish I could say the same."

My mum playfully hit his shoulder, "Oh stop it."

I laughed then I wondered, What's my dad doing here? He should be in somewhere doing who knows what for work.

"Hey dad, why are you in town?" I asked.

He laughed, "Jeez, nice to know your happy to see me."

I rolled my eyes, "You know what I mean."

He nodded, "Well it's February Tommy...and this upcoming Monday is...." he looked at me like I was supposed to know.

Ranboo squeezed my hand, "Its Valentines baby."

I blushed, "Oh.....I- I'm sorry that I forgot."

He laughed, "You still have a weekend."

"Yeah, but I'm sure you've already got a whole bunch of things planned,and two days isn't enough." I frowned.

He laughed softly, "Your not wrong, but I don't care about what you give me. Letting me love you is all I need remember?"

I leaned in closely and I closed my eyes, because at times like this he'd kiss me.

Then he whispered, "Not now, Toms." and kissed my nose.

I went red......I forgot my parents were here.

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