Chapter 65

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Ranboo POV

Sunday ~ 6:03pm
We'd just got home and we walked in to see Lexi and Nelly cuddling on the couch together. They were watching some silly rom com and they muttered hellos not even turning around to see us.

We returned the greeting and then we walked to my room. Tommy jumped onto the bed and kicked off his shoes. He pulled his sweater off and he sighed, "Ranboo, do we have to leave to my house?"

I laughed softly and replied, "Yes baby."

He groaned and closed his eyes tired. I quickly changed, not bothering to go to a restroom. I was quick though, and when he opened his eyes I was already dressed.

He got up to change and I layed down on the bed. I watched as he changed....cause why not. And he didn't seem to care. Once he was done he threw his dirty clothes in the hamper and came to the bed.

"Ranboo? Tomorrow after school when we go out, don't you wanna wear something nice?" He asked me.

I laughed, "Yes Tommy, why do you ask?"

"Well, don't you wanna bring an outfit, cause I only have some of your clothes at my house." He replied.

I smirked and kissed his cheek, "Don't worry Tommy. I have special outfits for us both."

He blushed, turning red and said, "Wh- What? R- Ranboo what do you m-"

I laughed and cut him off, "No, Tommy seriously. It's an actual outfit.....what were you thinking of?"

His shade went down to pink and he took a quick breath, "N- Nothing...."

"Okay.....well, you ready to go to your house then?" I asked him.

He sighed, "I'll never be ready.....but yeah."

I laughed, "Your place isn't even bad, what do you mean?"

He rolled his eyes, "My mother and father will be there. And since it's the day before will my brothers."

I laughed again, "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

He sighed dramaticly, "I hope so."

I got up out of the bed and grabbed our school bags. "We should go now, did you want to grab your Valenitines stuff?"

He groaned, but got up, "Yeah."

He went into the closet and took out the bag of Valentines things.

"You ready baby?" I asked smiling.

He shrugged, "I guess so."

I laughed and laced our fingers together. Then we walked out of the bedroom and went into the living room.

"Lexi, we're gonna go to Tommy's now." I told her.

She turned her head to look at us, "Oh, wait! Before you guys go, we have some Valentines for you!"

"Me too!" Tommy said and ran over to sit on the other couch.

Lexi amd Nelly got up and went to get the valentines. I sighed and went to sit with Tommy on the other couch. I sat down and pulled him onto my lap. He leaned back onto my chest and I began to play with his hair. He took some things out of his bag and then he set the bag aside.

"You didn't get them anything Ranboo?" He asked looking up at me.

I smiled down at him, "Yeah I did, but I was hoping I could give it to them Tuesday and spend more time with you."

He laughed, "Go get them dork."

I rolled my eyes and moved him off of me. Then I quickly went to get the valentines I'd got for Nelly and Lexi. When I returned to the living room Lexi and Nelly had already got back. I sat back down next to Tommy and pulled him onto my lap again.

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