Chapter 179

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Ranboo POV

Sunday ~ 9:57pm
After going to a bunch of places with Tubbo, it was getting rather late. So we headed back to Tommy's house then drove Tubbo back home.

Next, Tommy and I were off to Lexy and Nelly's place. I was pretty excited to see them. My parent guardians, but really- my moms. They're absoloutely the best, and I'd quite missed them.

We arrived, parking into their driveway. We got out of the car, walking up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and soon heard light footsteps approach.

Then the door was opened to reveal Nelly. I smiled brightly, "Hey Nelly!"

"Hi Nelly!" Tommy also seemed excited.

She squealed, "Awe! My boys!" She brought us into a tight hug, "I missed you two very much, now come on in."

We seperated and she stood to the side, allowing us inside. We entered and she locked the front door behind us.

"Lexi is over there in the living room. I was baking cookies, so I'll be with you all in a bit." She said then turned left into the kitchen.

We walked forward where the open dining room was, and then went left into the seperate room. The living room, where Lexi sat watching that same silly rom com she always watched. I never quite caught the name of it, but I knew she was always keeping up with it.

Laser focused ofcourse as something dramatic happened on screen. I cleared my throat. She looked up and her eyes widened, "Saturday already?! Jeez I hadn't realized! I haven't really moved from this spot since the new season came o- Sorry," She awkwardly laughed and got up, "I missed you two."

Tommy nudged me forward, "You first."

I didn't hesitate- I immediately went to hug my aunt, my mother. I hugged her tightly shoving back tears, "I missed you so much."

"Awe bud, I'm here. You can always call." She chuckled and pulled away. She grabbed my face wiping my tears, "Don't cry Ranboo, this is a happy moment."

I sniffled, "I know....I'm just- I- I'm really happy to see you. I missed you."

She brought my head down and kissed it, "I missed you more, and I'm so proud of you for continuing with school. You've been doing good. Really bud, I'm so proud."

I smiled, "Thanks Lex."

"Ofcourse." She sighed and gave me another hug. Then we pulled away and she opened her arms for Tommy, "C'mere you."

Tommy hurried over to hug her. She chuckled rubbing his back, "I'm proud of you, too inlaw. Adapting to silly ol' America and doing good in school."

Tommy smiled, "Thanks, I missed ya."

"I missed you too Tommy." She pulled away smiling.

In walked Nelly with a plate of cookies, "For my wife and two favorite son in laws."

Tommy's eyes lit up happily, "Yum! I want one!" And so he ran over to Nelly to get a cookie.

We sat down on the couches, Nelly set the cookies down ontop of the coffee table. Eating cookies, watching a rom com, and enjoying the company of my family. 

We had the rest of the summer to spend here. To simply live life as if we were living here again. And I had an amazing suprise for my Tommy back at home. Genevieve had been taking care of him while we were away- And I couldn't wait to suprise Tommy at the end of summer.

Just when he'd thought the summer was done and he was a little bummed out about leaving the UK, he would go home to his new pet.

Though, I would miss this too. I had missed this actually. I mean- Sure I'm American, but...The UK is where pivetable moments in my life happened and took place.

Especially the good ones. Everything that happened here in the UK, was what pulled me out of what I grew up in back there, in America.

So if there's one general area or place that I could call my favorite....I guess it would be this town. This area of the UK. It's special to me, special beyond belief.

I never thought that I'd ever go and look back at my past. Mainly because my last was uh-....shit. I mean- I grew up in a homophobic household. I wouldn't say completely abused, but...violent. Bullied, belittled, discarded, uncared for.

Lexi is my real parent guardian now. In all honesty, if there's one person who could come even remotely close to the love I have for Tommy- It would be Lex. She got me outta there, she fought for me, and...Tommy helped me through it.

I guess now that I've overcome my past and upbringing- I'll be ready to revisit it in the coming future. Plus, Tommy did say he'd like to see around California and San Francisco. Can't let him down...

Well, this was fun. Getting to walk down our own memory lane. I've seen his, so I think it's time I show him mine, soon.

And together we'll create a beautiful lane of memories for our future kids to possibly walk down themselves.

Tommy POV

I quite enjoyed our adventure today. Getting to look back on how we met, grew, conquered problems, got through rough patches, and stayed together through it all. How I got to show Ranboo my entire childhood and upbringing.

I wanted to learn all about his too- Good and the bad. Simply because I yearn to learn everything about him. Trust me I know extremely close to everything. All thats left is to hear of his past.

Despite that though, I knew this summer was going great. That I would be spending my summer with my family and friends, which I hadn't seen in basically forever.

I love that I even have the opportunity to look back at this place. Y'know, if I have to look back on my past, I'm gonna leave a good one with you. Because looking back at where we once were- makes me greatly appreciate where we are now.

1,015 words
Thanks for reading <3
See ya gamers o7

This isn't the end, there's more on its way- I dunno when, but I promise.

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