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"Man I hate those fucking pogues" Carter explained "can we maybe not talk about pogues while we're on a date" hayley said looking up at Carter "I know, I know I'm sorry, it's just they get me so angry" even after what Hayley had just said Carter still unawarely went on venting about the pogues to the point we're Hayley stopped listening.

Hayley loved her boyfriend and all, well at least she thought she did, but he just wasn't right for her. She wanted excitement and fun and well Carter wasn't much of that. Mainly just being another good looking kook, but every time she looked at him she just couldn't see a future with him, and she felt terrible about it.

"Don't you agree babe" Carter said looking down at the girl "huh" Hayley said zoning back in to the conversation, "about the pogues" Hayley tried to think of something to say to sound like she was listening and all that came out was "yeah"

"See this is why I love you babe" Carter said while giving Hayley a kiss on the head, Hayley didn't know what to say.

"Hey it's getting late can you walk me home?" Hayley asked her boyfriend "wh-why don't you just stay at mine...tonight maybe" Carter said while clearing his throat a couple of times "umm..I-I cant tonight, me and Sarah are having a sleep over" Hayley making up an excuse so she wouldn't hurt the boys feelings "oh ok that all good"


"Hey thanks for walking me home" Hayley told Carter "anytime babe" Carter said leaning in to kiss his girlfriend but got interrupted by the door swinging open and her seeing her brother Brady. "Hey man wassup" Brady said giving Carter a hug. Brady and Carter have been best friends ever since Hayley could remember, "hey little sis" Brady said swinging his arm around his little sister "oh we're yous in the middle of something" Brady said gesturing between the two "to late now the moments over" Hayley said just before giving her boyfriend a quick kiss on the lips "bye" Hayley said while walking into the door leaving the two best friends to talk for a bit

"Oh I'm sorry man did I ruin your little moment with my sister" Brady said teasing Carter "your a dick" Carter said the two boys laughing.

Hayley was happy to be home it was the only time we're she would actually be by herself, cause if she wasn't by herself she would be with her boyfriend, her best friend and Kelce and topper and Brady, as if she doesn't already see Brady enough.

She was getting changed into an oversized jumper when she heard her mom call out to her from downstairs. "Hey honey!" her mom called for her "yes mom?" Hayley said making her way down the stairs. "You know our gardener Paul" Hayley nodded while meeting her mom in the kitchen "he quit!" Her mom said a bit to dramatically "oh no what will we ever do" Hayley said sarcastically mocking her mom "now we need to find a new gardener!" "Is this what you called me down stairs for, to tell me that our gardener of 12 years quite?" Hayley said wondering why her mom had to tell her that now "no, I was wondering if you could quickly go out and hang some posters up around town hiring for a new gardener" her mom asked her not really giving her much of a choice to say no "yeah I guess" hayley said not to enthusiastic. "Thank you!" Jennifer said passing her daughter the flyers. Hayley made her way outside "be careful!" Her mom quickly yelled out before her daughter left "always am!" Hayley replied back before starting to walk outside.


Hayley was half way done with the flyers as she was hanging up one when she heard a voice from behind her "looking for a new gardener huh" she turned around to see the voice was JJ maybank. She new who he was, mainly because him and her boyfriend would normally fight. "Yeah we are..don't even think about it" Hayley said while looking at him, "hey, hey I didn't say anything" he said putting his hands up in surrender "mhm" Hayley said with a smirk "hey if I take this job does that mean I get to see you outside in a bikini tanning" JJ said with a smile on his face "haha very funny and no ok, so don't" Hayley said not amused by his comment.

"Anyways gotta go finish hanging up these flyers..DONT sign up for the job" she told him and started to walk off "wasn't even thinking about it" JJ said smiling as the girl turned away.


"Mom..MOM! mo-" Hayley said looking around the house for her mother who was no we're to be seen "hey dad have you se- oh sorry didn't realise you were on the phone" Hayley said walking into her dads office "no it's ok sweetie, I think mom took your sister to go get groceries or something" her dad informed her "oh ok if you see her can you tell her I finished setting up the flyers" Hayley asked her dad "will do honey" Charles replied.

Hayley couldn't wait to just go lay down in bed, she felt exhausted, even though she didn't do much today. She was just waiting for the same day to happen tomorrow.

Hope you guys liked the first chapter had to start again with the book bc I didn't like the way it was going :)

Portrait x JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now