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All the kooks ran out of the car going straight to the party. Hayley was looking around for JJ to prove to him that she did come to the party but Carter picked up on it.

"Who you looking for?"

"Uh JJ" Hayley said turning around to Carter

"JJ?! Why JJ"

"Calm down I was just looking for him to tell him that I came"

"Why woul-" Carter was cut off by Hayley
"Hey promise me one thing tonight, don't start any fights"

"What makes you think that I start all of the fights " Carter responded

"Because it's normally you"

"No it's always those pog-" Carter stopped mid sentence when he realised the glare Hayley was giving to him

"When I said not to start any fights that includes with me"

"Fine, fine" Carter threw his hands up in surrender.

"Hey uh I'll be back" Hayley told Carter

"Don't go near any of those pogues!!" Carter yelled out to Hayley while she was walking away.

"Hey, maybank" Hayley spoke to try and get the blondes attention

"Oh hey Carson, you actually came, I had my doubts on you" the blonde told the girl

"Well I'm here aren't I" The brunette said with a smile on her face

"Yes you are" JJ said holding up a cup of beer to give to Hayley.

Hours have past now of everyone having fun at the party

"Hey Carson want another beer" JJ said handing her beer. "Thanks" Hayley replied taking the cup " no you are not drinking that, who knows he probably drugged it" Carter said while taking the cup from Hayley's hands and throwing it on the floor. "Carter!  He was being polite" Hayley said not liking the feeling of were this was going "like I would ever do something like that" JJ said "probably got the supplies" Carter spoke up "Carter! Enough your drunk! Let's just go home" the girl said wanting to get Carter out of there. "Yeah listen to your girlfriend for once" JJ said to the kook.

"What did you say to me pogue?" Carter asked knowing full aware of what JJ said "I said why don't you actually listen to Hayley instead of always ignoring her" JJ told Carter. Which Carter retaliated into throwing a punch at the blonde, but JJ was quick to do the same. "Guys stop!!" Hayley knew this wasn't going to end well "Carter leave him alone!!" Hayley said while seeing Carter punching JJ, but that was soon changed by JJ now punching Carter "Guys! Please stop!!" Hayley eventually went to stop the fight pulling Carter away. "Why don't you put your dog on a leash!!" JJ said while Hayley was trying to push Carter away from the fight. "What the hell are you doing!!" Carter said pushing Hayley away from him, Hayley starred at him in shock, but soon speaking up, " what the hell am I doing?! What the hell are you doing you started a fight for no reason!!!" Hayley retaliated back

"I specifically asked you to not start any fights!! And what do you do you start a fight for no reason!!" Hayley yelled back "I'm sick of you always getting into fights!!"

"Yeah yeah whatever" Carter said "your unbelievable" Hayley said shaking her head and walking off "we're are you going!!" Carter yelled back grabbing her arm "far away from you as possible" she said getting out of Carters grip.

She walked off until she heard two gunshots go in the air and seeing everyone run away to be honest she didn't really care she was just so mad and pissed.
She then felt someone grab her arm " Carter I said leave me alo-" she said while turning around and seeing that it wasn't Carter that chased after her but JJ. "Oh my god JJ your bleeding" Hayley said while grabbing his face "it doesn't really matter, are you ok, do you know we're your going?" JJ asked the girl
"Uh yeah I'm fine, but we have to get this cleaned up" Hayley said referring to his wounds

"Do you have a first aid kit at your place or at the château? My place is to far from here to walk" Hayley asked the blonde. "Uhh yeah I'm pretty sure"


"Uh it should be somewhere in there" JJ said pointing underneath the sink. Hayley went to go look for it and ended up finding it.

"Sit on the bed" Hayley told the boy

"I guess the first aid kit can wait" JJ said as a joke making the girl let out a small laugh

Hayley began to wipe off all the blood that was left on his face, "so if you don't mind me asking, why were you walking by yourself" JJ asked Hayley "we got into a fight, surprising I know" Hayley said the last part sarcastically "by the way I'm really sorry about the fight" Hayley apologiesed on Carters behalf  " it wasn't your fault I don't know why your apologiesing" JJ said starring at the girl "I don't know I guess being with Carter has made me feel like whatever he does it somehow ends up being my fault or my responsibility...and he always reminds me" Hayley told the blonde, JJ starring into the girls green eyes, Hayley ending up starring into his blue eyes. Hayley cleared her throat and continued to clean up the blondes wounds. "So what have you like..broken up with him?" The blonde asked curious "uh I don't know I mean we normally have fights like  often so..it's nothing out of the ordinary..right" Hayley not even believing her own answer to the question.

"I still don't get how you ended up with someone like him" JJ told the brunette, Hayley looked up at JJ them locking eyes for a good minute or two "uh um" Hayley said breaking eye contact "your all finished" Hayley said with a small smile.

"Oh yeah thanks Carson"

"no worries"

"Hey uh how are you going to get home?" JJ asked Hayley

"Right kinda forgot about that"

"You can stay here if you want"

"Oh no it's alright thanks though"

"Do you want me to drive you home" the boy questioned

"Uh yeah that would be great thanks"


They finally arrived home, JJ getting out of the car to walk Hayley to the front door.

"Thanks for uh helping me" JJ said pointing to his injuries

"Anytime, I'll uh see you tomorrow" Hayley said making her way into the porch


Hayley going into giving him a hug and him returning it.

"Good night" Hayley said to JJ

"Night Carson"

Stooooop there so cute I can't !!!!

Portrait x JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now