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"Oh my gosh this dress is killing me" Hayley said hanging outside with everyone

"Then take it off" JJ said with a smirk sitting next to her

"Hahah very funny" Hayley said sarcastically giving him a death stare

"Here follow me" JJ said getting up gesturing for Hayley to follow

They made there way into the room that JJ normally sleeps in at the château

"Here you can put one of my shirts on" JJ said throwing a clean shirt to Hayley


"Umm can you get out I kinda need to change" Hayley said to JJ

"Oh yeah forgot about that" JJ replied making his way out of the room closing the door behind him

Hayley walked out with one of JJs shirts on it was pretty long on her seeing that she is short so she didn't have to worry about pants

She walked back out to the rest of the group and went back to her seat

"Wow you look cute in my clothes" JJ said looking at her smiling, she smiled back

A few hours go by everyone is laughing and having a good time

"Give me this" Hayley said grabbing the blunt out of JJs mouth and taking a drag of her own from the j

"Woah, woah!! Hey" JJ said grabbing it back "Since when do you smoke weed?!"

All the pogues looked at Hayley in shock not expecting that from her

"What you think I've never smoked before" Hayley said looking at all of them

"Yeah kinda" pope replied in shock

"Didn't expect this from you princess" JJ said with a smirk, even more interested in the girl

"So what yous all just thought I was this boring kook princess that followed everyone's rules"

"Yeah pretty much" They all agreed looking at Hayley

"Wow jeez how boring did you guys think I was" Hayley said making everyone laugh


"What's the time?" Hayley asked

"10:42" Kie replied

"Oh shit, I need to go" Hayley said standing up while quickly finishing her beer off

"Woah what's the rush" John b asked

"My parents are actually going to murder me if I don't get home by 11:00" Hayley replied looking for her other shoe

"Not only that they are going to kill me even more for leaving and disappearing from the country club" Hayley added

"Ah! Found it!" Hayley said finding her other shoe

"See that's why you set low expectations for your parents, so they don't expect anything from you" JJ said

Portrait x JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now