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Hayley was woken up by her dog Nala jumping up to  her.

"Ugh Nala" Hayley mumbled, Nala didn't budge instead started to lick Hayley's face. "Ok, ok I'm up I'm up"

Hayley made her way downstairs with her puppy following behind her.

"Hey mom, whatcha doing?"

"Hi sweetie, just looking at some new things to add to the house"

"Oh nice..is uh JJ here...yet" the brunette asked her mother, her mother returning a smirk "..yes he is outside"

"Shut up we're just friends"

"Friends with benefits" her mother yelled out as Hayley was opening the door to the backyard

"Hey maybank"

"Hey Carson, how'd you sleep"

"Pretty good.. you?"


For some reason it was awkward, after them talking last night and him dropping her off at her house something was just...off

"Hey do you have scuba gear" the blonde asked

"Uh yeah I think so, it should be on the boat" Hayley replied "can I borrow it"JJ asked "Uhh sure...follow me"


As they were walking along the dock to the boat Hayley said "so why do you need scuba gear, what going to look for fishies" Hayley said as a joke earning a laugh from the boy "no..it's uh it's best if you don't know" JJ said, Hayley stopping in her tracks "well sorry but your not getting the scuba gear till you tell me what it's for" Hayley said with a smirk on her face "look I- if i could tell you I would" JJ said "sorry not good enough" Hayley being stubborn and having to know what it's for "fine" the boy said.

JJ pulled Hayley to the end of the dock "fine..if you really want to know....we're on a treasure hunt" JJ told the girl. Hayley was trying so hard to keep in her laugh and let out a few laughs, Hayley stopped laughing when she realised that he was being serious "..oh fuck your serious, umm yeah I'm pretty sure the gear over here." Hayley said making her way into the boat.

"So umm wha-...why..wh-" Hayley had no words to ask what he was talking about "John b's dad found some research and we're just following through with it " JJ told Hayley "..right...so here's the uh the scuba gear" Hayley said pointing to the scuba gear. "Thanks..can I ask you another favour" JJ asked the girl


"You know how to dive right?" JJ asked Hayley

"Umm yeah I took some lessons when I was younger"

"Great!" JJ said to Hayley


"Guys Hayley is coming over today on the boat" JJ told the pogues "I-I'm sorry why is Hayley coming over" John b asked the blonde "because she kinda let us use her scuba gear.... and I may have told her about the treasure hunt" "you did what?!" Kiara said
"Wait why did you tell her!" Pope said adding with what kie said. "Because I had to get the scuba and she wouldn't give it to me without knowing why. And besides she just laughed and didn't really care!!" JJ told the pogues "hey hey guys calm down.. I mean she's not the worst kook to ever exist... theres a lot worse" John b said trying to calm them down "thank you! and besides she said she can dive so that another thing she is helping us out with" JJ said now that everyone had calmed down

Pope sighed "I guess she isn't that bad, but isn't she going to tell Carter!" "No her and Carter are totally on the outs, and I'm pretty sure she is going to dump his ass" JJ told the 3 "and how do you know all this" kie asked the blonde "because she told me"

Portrait x JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now