Chapter 2: Book

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Kageyama panted as he glances over to his wooden sword that flew away to the side and then to Daichi who pointed his sword at him.

Kageyama bows his head in defeat. Daichi smiles then stretched out his hand towards the guy.

Kageyama bit his bottom lip and took the outstretched hand.

"Your pretty good. But you still have a lot to learn!" Daichi said as he pats Kageyama's shoulder.


"Yeah....I really do.."

Kageyama is determined to get stronger!

"Uwahh! As expected of Daichi-san! Not even showing mercy!" Tanaka shouted then laughed.

"If you want, I can spar with you?" Daichi grins at Tanaka who flinched then shook his head.

"N-No thank you! I'm good!"

—Clap clap!

"Thats good, thats good! As expected of the Vice Captain!"

Captain Keishin stated as he walks towards them.

"You really have nice technique. But I'm kinda surprised to see you do a very fancy sword style...Where did you learn it?"

Captain Keishin asks curiously..

Since this village is so poor...They aren't able to hire or learn any real training. They only learned by the experiences of the previous knights in this village..And only self taught.

So how the hell did Daichi learn it??

Captain Keishin sweatdrops...

"Well....My Father left me a book when he travelled around the continent. He said it would help me. So I just started reading and learning whats inside of it...But some I don't understand because when your in the middle of the book, it is written in ancient language."

Daichi explained and Coach Ukai nodded.

"Hum, Can you lend me the book?"

"Sure! I'll just go get it!"

Daichi then ran back to his house.

"Woohhh! An ancient book that teaches you how to do fancy sword techniques??" Tanaka pondered.

Nishinoya shrugs "Probably"

"Head Captain Ukai! Are we going to learn this...Ancient sword technique thing?" Yamaguchi asks.

"Obviously! We gotta make do what we have since we can't learn from REAL knights."

"Aren't you also a Knight, Captain?" Nishinoya tilted his head.

"I'm not an OFFICIAL knight...I haven't even been knighted yet. So I'm also as clueless as you guys are! I only learnt some little things my Grandfather taught me."

"Oh oh! I heard your Grandfather is also part of the Imperial Knights that fought beside the previous emperor!" Tanaka exclaimed in excitement.

Nishinoya: "Yeah yeah! Tell us more about him!"

Keishin sighs "Yeah he's a real knight, but NOT part of the Imperial Knights order. He also didn't fought beside the previous emperors."

"He's only one of the Teachers that teaches the new Knight recruits. Nothing special."

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