Chapter 7: Long live the Sun Emperor!

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Karasuno gathered at the training area, since the meeting room won't fit all of them. So they all just lined in columns in the open space.

Takeda-san and Keishin-san were in the front. They all looked at their complete team with smiles on their faces. One of their old members asked why they were gathered here for?

Keishin just grins making some of them weirded out except for the newer members.

"Well....I have an announcement!" Keishin clapped.

"An announcement?" The tall blonde haired boy that is actually Tsukishima's brother, repeated.

"Thats right!" Keishin couldn't hold it anymore and just told the older members about what happened!

He told them that they got accepted at the Knight's Swordsmanship Competition in the Capital. And the most well-known Knight Commander, Yasufumi Nekomata, even stamped the letter!!

The older members were silent....They were processing.....And then they suddenly exclaimed!







The older members got chaotic. Some were hyperventilating from either excitement or shock. Some were running laps to ease themselves. Some were trying to confirm it from the newer members 'cause they just couldn't trust Keishin.

And some of the calmer ones like Kiyoko and Tashiro, helped Sugawara and Ennoshita calm the rest.

"So it is true...." The light brown haired guy muttered in disbelief.

" is amazing..." One of the female knights uttered out.

"Just how did you do it Keishin?! How come last time we didn't get accepted!" Takinoue Headlocks Keishin while intensely rubbing his head with a big smile on his face.

"Ow!— Hey stop that!" Keishin sweatdrops.

"Good job Keishin!~"Shimada happily laughs as he squeezes Keishin's cheeks.

"Ow! Ow!!" Keishin pushes the two away as he hits them on the head. "BEHAVE FOR ONCE!!"

"Keishin is getting fierce.."

"How dare you hit your childhood friends?!" Shimada Cried out. He then dramatically clutches his chest..."I've been hurt...."

"Those two seems close to Head Captain.." Yamaguchi said.

"Yeah, thats because those three grew up together." An old member replied.

"By the way, my name is Hiroki Kurokawa! I'm your senpai" Kurokawa grinned as he held out his hand.

"O-oh! H-hello! My name is Tadashi Yamaguchi! N-nice to meet you Senpai!" Yamaguchi took his hand and shook it.

Takeda-san finally spoke when everything died down. "Old members, you all should introduce yourselves to our new members! And start getting to know each other. While me and Keishin-san prepare for lunch!"

Takeda and Keishin then walked away.

"My name is Kawada." He introduced to the new members. "I use spears as my weapon since me and the sword are just not meant to be"

"Why so dramatic Kawada-san?? Hello! I'm Akiteru Tsukishima! Kei's older brother!" Akiteru enthusiastically said hello to Kageyama and Yamaguchi.

"Yuusuke Takinoue at your service newbies! If ever you three need advices, I'm here to help!"

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