Chapter 8: Excitement

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All of the Karasuno members' hearts began to beat out loud. As they tried to take a peek of the Emperor.

As Shoyo walked towards them, his heels could be heard clicking on the cobbled ground, every click, all their hearts began to beat. His black and orange cape swayed as he walked, his hair bounced with the rhythm, his handsome face that is void with any emotions stared at them with his glowing orange eyes.

The person following behind the Sun Emperor, is the Shiratorizawa Captain. Wakatoshi Ushijima. He has the same imposing aura Shoyo was emitting.

"Greetings to the Sun Emperor!" The Guard shouted with shyness as he stared at Shoyo's shoes with a red face.

"Explain." Shoyo simply but coldly said.

The Guard started to sweat at the sudden pressure pressing on his back....He stood up straight with a trembling body and started explaining.

"...W-Well....This pitiful subject got a-asaulted by those country bumpkins!" The Guard pointed at Karasuno with teary eyes. "They h-hit and b-beat me up....They also shouted c-curses at me!...Wuwuwuwu....Dear Emperor...I-I was just trying to be kind to them...."

'What kind of bullshit is that?!' Sugawara glared at the Guard. While the others were cringing at the Guard's performance..

Shoyo waved his hand as a sign for the Guard to stop his annoying babble.

"You are dismissed."

The Guard looked at Shoyo with a dazed and confused expression. Ushijima frowned as he said with a dark and disappointed tone.

"Dare to look at the Emperor with those filthy eyes of yours? Leave this instant."

The Guard flinched at the cold gaze his Captain gave him! He quickly ran away with his tail tucked between his legs.

Ushijima couldn't help but sigh in disappointment at his member....Being so arrogant just because he was in Shiratorizawa, the most strongest and well known Knight Group. He does not deserve to be a Knight if his attitude is like that..

Shoyo scrutinized the still bowing Karasuno. "You may rise."

Karasuno straightened their bodies one by one. They all looked at the Emperor with curiosity, excitement, and shyness.

"Karasuno?" Shoyo asked with his head tilted a bit.

Keishin was surprised on how the Emperor knows them! He confirmed with a tense back. "Y..yEs!" He blushed in embarrassment because of his voice crack....Ah....I want to die...Someone kill me already...

His team couldn't help but laugh silently at their Head Captain's misery and embarrassment.

Shoyo ignored it to show Keishin some face. He simply nodded and said with a welcoming tone. "Welcome to Gonia"

Everyone in Karasuno smiled with Happiness! They feel so very lucky to be able to meet the Emperor and ALSO being greeted by the Emperor himself! They all can finally flex something when they meet a rival.

"Thank you Emperor!!"

"EMPEROR!! YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!" Nishinoya and Tanaka couldn't help but shout!

Shoyo looked at them with a dumbfounded expression.

Daichi and Sugawara covered both the troublemaker's mouth as they continuously apologised.

"BEHAVE FOR ONCE! I DON'T WANT YOU GUYS TO EMBARRASS OUR TEAM IN FRONT OF THE EMPEROR!" Keishin pinched both their ears as he whisper yelled.


"OW OW OW!!"

Shoyo looked at them with a hint of amusement. '...Such a lively Knight Group' He slightly smiled.

Everyone in Karasuno of course saw it and were in daze at the beautiful man in front of them...

When Shoyo smiles, its like they can hear the sound of heaven. And when the sun shines down towards him, he looks so ethereal. Everything seems to look beautiful when he's around. Its like the whole world adores him! As they should.

"I hope you all enjoy your stay here." Shoyo meaningfully smiled at them, he then walks away with his bodyguard tailing behind him.

Ushijima didn't forget to nod at them in acknowledgement.

The two imposing figures finally disappears.

"WAAAAAAAH IT WAS THE EMPEROR HIMSELF!!" Akiteru squeeled like a fan girl.


"I can finally rest in peace, for my wishes has come true....I actually met THE Sun Emperor!" Takeda cried out as he wiped his misty glasses.

"I feel like I can do anything!!"

"I agree! We only hear from the Emperor in rumors, books and newspapers, some weren't so accurate about describing his Majesty's beauty."

"They need to hire novelists instead!"


Keishin clapped his hands to gather all his members atttention. "Alright alright, everyone calm down now. We still have to find our living quarters!"

"Sorry Head Captain, we're just so giddy right now" Ennoshita helplessly said as he rubbed his nape

"We all can talk about this after we settle our stuff"

"Osuuu~" they reluctantly replied.

Karasuno went inside the Estate. Not noticing someone was watching them from afar.

"Who let those country bumpkins inside ah?" A pretty boy asked with a scoff.

| Tooru Oikawa, Captain of Aoba Johsai |

"Shut up Shittykawa! Ugh, so annoying!" A guy with a muscular physique glared at the pretty boy.

| Hajime Iwaizumi |

The pretty boy who is Oikawa cowered in fear by his friend's scary glare....

"Hey, I think I saw someone familiar...." An onion head said with a not so sure tone.

| Yuutarou Kindaichi |

"You prolly saw wrong." A tired looking fellow munched on something delicious on his hand.

| Akira Kunimi |

'....Maybe..'  Kindaichi scratches his cheek while pondering over something.

To Be Continued!~~~

Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger :P.....

Fanart from m_0524 On twitter!~

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