Chapter 11: Weak Countrybumpkins

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Karasuno went inside the cafeteria, and as they went in. The sounds of people talking went silent. And all the attention was on them.

"......Actually, I'm not that hungry.." Takinoue wanted to escape. But Keishin grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it hard with a smile that says 'Don't you dare abandon us! Let us suffer together!'

Takinoue inwardly cries anime tears.. 'Dear Sun....Please help me..'

"Oh hey, its the Karasuno guys. Yo!~" Matsukawa waved his hand up high with a grin.

Iwaizumi waved them over. And Karasuno went to Aoba Johsai. Iwaizumi greeted them and said. "Come sit with us. Theres still some space over here and there"

"Thank you! Thank you so much!! You dont know how you just saved us!" Shimada exclaimed with anime tears.

Iwaizumi looked at him weirdly. "...Uhh...You're welcome?"

"Hmph! Iwa-chan!! Why are you letting these peasants sit with us?? This sit is only reserved for us nobles!" Oikawa pouted while glaring at them with a spoiled rich kid aura.

'We're peasants too ya know?..' Kindaichi, Hanamiki and Iwaizumi side eyed the pretty boy.

Iwaizumi looked at the Karasuno with an apologetic look. "Don't listen to this fucker. Go and get your meal and sit with us."

"Iwa-chan!!! Such vulgar word is directed towards me?!.....My feelings are hurt.."

"Ugh yer so damn annoying! Just eat your damn food!"

Karasuno left them to get their meal whilst ignoring the intense stares from all directions...

"Hey...Why are they staring at us??" Tanaka whispered to Daichi.

"Dont ask me! Ask them!"

"Okay!" Unexpectedly, Tanaka turned towards the people who was staring at them. "Hey!! Why're you guys—"

Sugawara quickly knocked Tanaka out and then threw him towards Asahi who didn't know what to do with the body.

Keishin and Daichi threw a thumbs up towards the grey haired male who looked proud of his work.

In Nekoma's side... "Oya? Karasuno? What a familiar name..." Kuroo suddenly said making his team look at him with confusion.

"Do you know that Knight Group??" Inuoka asks.

"Nope! Not a clue!"

"Then why bother saying that?" Yaku glared at the bed haired male.

"Urk....Well, like I just uttered out..Their name sounded very familiar...Because I seem to hear Knight Commander Nekomata-san utter out that name as well.."

"Ehh?! If Nekomata-san knows that Karasuno Group....Then that means...." Lev covered his mouth.

"They must be very important for a Knight Commander to remember them." Fukunaga finished.

"...Should we greet them?" Kenma asked very unsure and hesitant...He doesn't like interacting with strangers after all...

Yamamoto replied. "Of course we should! Nekomata-san knows them!"

"Maybe we should do that tomorrow, because it seems Kenma-san isn't very ready yet." —Shibayama.

Kenma agreed. He wasn't ready. And he is really exhausted from training and sparring earlier. So tomorrow it is!!

On Date Tech's side... "Oh? Another newbies has arrived~ should we have a little 'chat' with them like the rest of the Knight Groups?" Futakuchi grinned with horns ontop of his head.

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