Chapter 10: Karasuno Uniform!

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Karasuno went inside the building. Not really noticing that there were more buildings behind this one. They all heard shouting and the clinking of swords from afar.

A brunette with handsome features dismantled his sparring partner's weapon with pure ease and also a pretty smile on his face.

"Damn!" His sparring partner rubbed his hand and looked at his wooden sword that was laying on the ground. He then looks at the brunette with admiration.

"That was amazing Captain! I couldn't even detect your movement with my eyes, it was too fast!"

"Hehe!~ That is because I'm just that amazing!~" the brunette raised his chest and his pretty smile turned into an annoying smirk.

"Shittykawa! Stop being overly confident! That ain't gonna do you no good!" A muscular man threw his wooden sword at Oikawa, but fortunately he was able to dodge quickly...

"..Ah! Iwa-chan you almost killed me!!"

"Well too bad I missed!"

"Iwa-chan why so mean?!" Oikawa cried out.

"Uhmm...Hello?" Daichi took the initiative to present themselves.

Everyone in Seijoh looked at Karasuno with confusion.

"Hah? Who the hell are they?" A scary looking male squinted at them.

Making Akiteru, Nishinoya, Shimada, Yui, and Asahi squeak in fright!

"Lets just go continue training Kyoutani-kun" Kindaichi whispers..

"H-Hello....Is this the training grounds for Knights...?" Keishin asked politely.

"Yes indeed!" Oikawa spoke as he walked towards them with poise. Iwaizumi and Kunimi can't help but cringe...

When Oikawa arrived in front of them. He placed his hand on his hips as he scrutinized them from their clothes... "But this is Seijoh's private training ground."

"Eh? Private?? So! Where's the main training ground??" Tanaka asked.

Matsukawa suddenly appeared and was the one who replied. "The main training ground is just right behind us. But, its best if you guys find your private training grounds first."

"Then! How are we supposed to find it...?" Sugawara looked at his team with a frown. He saw how big this place is....And they might not find it before tomorrow.

"If I may ask. Which Knight Group are you?" Iwaizumi went to them with crossed arms as he inquired.

"We're called Karasuno!" Nishinoya said as he pointed at his chest with his thumb.

"...Karasuno?" Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow.

"..Never heard of it before..." Matsukawa looked at them up and down.

Which made some of the Karasuno members annoyed at their scrutiny...

"Since we've never heard of your group before....Maybe you guys might have to share some other Knight's training grounds."

"Karasuno huh? Haha! What a lame name!" Oikawa suddenly said while laughing.

Karasuno glared at the pretty boy. Iwaizumi quickly smacked Oikawa's head and apologized.

"Sorry about our Captain. He's a bit of a weirdo."

"Ouch!! That hurt Iwa-chan!"

"Well you shouldn't have insulted them! Shittykawa!!"

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