halloween Part-2

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Harry POV:
I woke up again from my nightmare and went down to see sahithi is sat there with different hair which look awesome and I went to my room and got polarized cam which has ruins that can work in the magic to I took a pic of her

Harry POV:I woke up again from my nightmare and went down to see sahithi is sat there with different hair which look awesome and I went to my room and got polarized cam which has ruins that can work in the magic to I took a pic of her

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When I saw her eyes they were very exhausted and I waited in the shadows and saw her singing and I saw the whole thing it broke my heart to see my love like that it literally opposite of every day sahithi I see , when she stated to sing the song I...

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When I saw her eyes they were very exhausted and I waited in the shadows and saw her singing and I saw the whole thing it broke my heart to see my love like that it literally opposite of every day sahithi I see , when she stated to sing the song I saw the sadness in her voice and I heard the footsteps noice and see jas and mione came and hugged her , it is devastating to watch her like that

When I saw her eyes they were very exhausted and I waited in the shadows and saw her singing and I saw the whole thing it broke my heart to see my love like that it literally opposite of every day sahithi I see , when she stated to sing the song I...

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I promised myself to ask her what happened and I went to my room to get ready for the day

When I got ready and I started to go to the great hall and when I am near it sahithi came outside the with a face like she is controlling her crying and I asked " sahithi are you alright" she shaked her head and I opened my arm she came running in...

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When I got ready and I started to go to the great hall and when I am near it sahithi came outside the with a face like she is controlling her crying and I asked " sahithi are you alright" she shaked her head and I opened my arm she came running into it hugged me and started crying and wishper sweet things to her to stop her crying

When I got ready and I started to go to the great hall and when I am near it sahithi came outside the with a face like she is controlling her crying and I asked " sahithi are you alright" she shaked her head and I opened my arm she came running in...

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When she stopped crying she just ran away when I thought to run after her jas stopped me and shaked her head , I sighed and went with them to ask professor McGonagall to allow him to hogsmade. She said " now remember this visit to hogsmade village are a privilege should your behaviour reflect poorly on the school in anyway that privilege shall not be extended again, no permission form signed no visiting the village that's the rule potter" filich said" all those with the permission follow me , those with out stay put" I said " but professor I thought if you signed it I could go. " " I can't only a parent or a guardian can sign.since I am neither it would be inappropriate, I am sorry potter that's my final words" with that professor leaves and I turned to Ron,mione and jas and said"forget about it guys see you later" and I went away and stand on the bridge and I saw professor came and stand beside me and asked" professor can I ask you something?" "You want to know why I stopped you from facing Boggart yes I have assumed it would take the shape of lord voldemort" " I did think of voldemort at first but I got remember that night on the train and the dementor" " I am very impressed I suggest that that wath you fear the most it fear itself it is very wise""before I fainted I heard something a woman screaming" " the dementor relieve our very worst memories our pain becomes it's power" " I think it was my mother the night she was murdered" " you know the very first time I saw you harry I recognised you immediately not by your scar but your eyes your mother Lily's .. yes oh yes I knew her your mother was there for me at the time when one one was there not only she is singularly gifted witch but she is also uncommonly kind hearted women she had way of seeing a beauty in others even end perhaps most especially the person himself can't see it in himself as your father James on the other hand he has a certain chose for a talent for trouble" I smiled he continued" a talent Romere has it he passed on to you, you are more like them than you know harry time will come to see just how much" " professor can I ask another one " he nodded his head " why sahithi is crying today" he tensed some what " it's not my place to tell harry when she is ready you will know" I nodded my head and went to castle and when I saw her I gave a look asking if she is okay and she smiled saying she is okay , I gave her a goofy smile and wink ,she laughed and shake her head and Ron went about how is hogsmade " honey Duke sweet shope is brilliant but nothing beats zonkos joke shop, we never did get go to the shrieking shacks though but you heard that"" most haunted place in Britain yeah I heard what's going on" " huh probably Neville forget the password" "hey" " that's mean Ronald" " sorry sahi" " oh your here" Percy came pushing" let me through please excuse me I am head boy get back all of you no one enter the dormitory until it has been fully searched" Ginny came and said" the fat lady she is gone " when we saw the painting it ripped into pieces ,Ron said " servers her right she is a terrible singer" and I heard sahithi, jas and mione said "it's not funny Ron " and it a chaso the paintings and the students are shouting about what happened and head master came and asked filch to round up the ghosts and search for her and filch pointed his finger to a painting where she is and every one started moving there and headmaster asked " dear lady who did this to you" she said " eyes like the devil ,he got and a soul dark as he name. It's him headmaster that they all talk about he here somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!" And all start to panic , headmaster said " secure the castle filch , everyone to the great hall" and Hogwarts went into a great lockdown untill they catch sirius black and I heard" I have searched the astronomy tower, owlary sir but there's nothing there." " Ah thank you" " sir he is not in the third floor also" " okay " and I heard the most hated voice professor Snape " and I dungeon headmaster no sign of sirius black in the castle to" " I. Didn't expect him to linger " " remarkable feat don't you think to enter Hogwarts castle on one own completely undedected " " quite remarkable" " any theory on how he might have managed it" " many,each as unlikely as next " " you may recall , prior to the start of the term I did concern appointing professor lupin " " not a single professor in this castle would help sirius black to enter it now I am quite convinced the castle is safe and I am more than willing to send the students to their houses" " what about potter? should he be warned?"" Perhaps for now let him sleep for in dreams we enter the world a word that's entirely our own let him swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the Highest cloud" and with that they let and I turned to see my love is sleeping very peacefully and I stared to fall in to deep slumber.

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