Recuing harry and 12 Grimmauld place

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Harry pov:

well i was bored in the duraskaban i came out and sat on swing as you can see i have grown again now 6 foot tall and have a atheletic body i got that by the chores i done there what can i  say as sahithi is telling me what happened in wizarding world even dumbledoor had forbiden them but my love doesn't listen to him and i am happy for that i saw  dudley and his'friends'

"Hey, big D. beat up another ten yera old?"

" This one deserved it"

" yeah.five against one- very brave"

" well, you're one to talk , moaning in sleep every night. at least i am not afrid of my pillow,'don't kill cedric!' who's cedric , your boyfriend?"

"He's going to kill me mom! where's your mom potter? is she dead? is she dead potter?"

i had enough stromed at him as i raised my wand to his neck i threatening manner i can see fear in his eyes ,his friend are just laughing and i saw the  weather has changed tremendously and saw dudley friend has left us in fear, me and dudley started running and saw the sky thundering and shelterd from the sudden rain and i stopped when i saw ice covering the lights when i turned behind only got grabbed by dmentor and held against the wall by my throat, and i saw dudley fall on the ground only to second dementor to start to suck his soul and i feel myself  that dementor is sucking my soul out and i just grabed my wand jabed the tip against the dementor only to lose its grip on me and fall to ground and shouted


Then prongs send the  dementor away and saw the other dementor is on dudley and brought prong to that dementor to save him and i rushed toward duddley to check on him and saw a figure and hide my wand as figure came  closer.


"don't put away your wand,harr. they might come back."

"dementors in little whining?whatever next?"

"i don't understand. how'd you know about..."

" dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you."

"dumbledore ? you know dumbledore?"

"after what happaned last year did you expect him to let you go around on your own?now do you , i expect some one soon will be in touch soon. whatever happnes son't leave the house"

i went to duraskaban only  got riddikulas question and i got a ministery letter saying i am expelled for attempt to save my life and my cousines and verno thinks he got justice and they left to hospital and i went to my room got frustated only to kick the tabel in my room only to frighten hedwig and picks my mom and dad picture and i said

" sorry headwig"

i heard a clattering and i saw my door slowly turning,i grabed my wand and stand in defence as the key falls out of the keyhole,the door opens,a bright light has blinded me for a second.

"very clean these muggles"

"tonks,for god's sake."


only to see a women with pink hair, moody,a man with bald head and some others are seen in doorway.

" proffessor moody.what are you doing here?"

"rescuing you,of course"

" where are we going?the letter said i've been expelled from hogwarts"

"well,you haven't been,not yet . kigsley,you take point"

"but the letter said"

"dumbledoor has persuaded the minister to suspend your expulsions pending a formal hring"

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