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the entrance courtyard is seen still messed up from the battle as the quartet walk through it

"where is everybody?"

the door to the great hall are seen opening ron at front people are seen moving about,tending those who need it,ron and sahithi are seen looking on disbelife,entering the great hall first,hermione following harry as he is seen standing at the entrance,slughorn is seen tending filch,before acknowledging harry


harry walking forward looking at everyone they pass,flitwick seen alive

"oh come on what's the matter with you?"

"oh,she passed"

"she's gone"

harry looks forward,stopping in his place looking heartbroken shacking his head in disbelief more tears are polling in his eyes as the weasely family are seen around  fred bandaged unmoving body on the ground molly  and auther are crying as angelina is seen next to frted crying as jas sirius remus tonks mione susan all our friens are crying sahithi looks at molly asking

"what ha- happened?"

"a death eather casted an unknow spell when he is protecting third years,we wrapped the wounds but we don't know if he is going to make it"

sahithi collapes and sobs as the girls came and hugged her as all the girls except angelina are loosing soulbrother as angeline lossing her soulmate

,harry is seen with tears falling on  his face minnie is seen walking towards him but harry turns around and went away sahithi and the others are seen crying but she stops slowly as a reailization came across her face shouted as loud as she can


a swaquaks is heared and the great hall is filled with orange and blue light, after the light gone fawkes and aquilia came and sat on sahithi shoulder as she pleading them 

"plaease you both are the only help me to save my brother plase heal him by your tears"

they give a trillee and went to  fred and started to cry on his wound and mouth seeing the wounds getting close and he is waking up to see all are crying

"hey guys what happened"

georger angelina and sahithi fell on him hugging him tight and crying seeing this all are crying happieness as fred is alive

on the other side harry went inside the headmasters office went to pensive helds it up and let it float near the desk went to the desk and took the vail of snapes tears and poure it into the pensive and dived his head 

indistances voices is heared as the memory starts to play it shows two young girlsone extends the hand where the flower grows on  nothing she is lily evens ,the other girl looks disturbed and judgemental slaps her hand and calling her

"freak!come her !i'm going to tell mummuy!you're freak!you're a freak lily"

a young boy is seen coming from the tree tunk looking at lily, petunia runs away he took as leaf and making it fly to lily she smiles at him as he smiles at her  displaying him as severus snape

they both are seen sleeping on the ground side by side there 

"she jeloues because she ordinary your special"

"that's mean severus"

they just laughed

memory changed 

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