yule ball dates and shopping

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Sahithi pov:
We are in the un used class were the benches are pushed aside and boys and girls are sitting face to face from each other from other sides of the room, Minnie said ," the yule ball has been a tradition of the tri wizard tournament since it's inception. On Christmas Eve night,we and our guests gather in the great hall for a night of well mannered farivolity , as representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your foot forward. And I mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost a dance."
The girls start to talk excitedly while the boys grumble,
" Silence ! The house of godric griffindor has commanded the respect of wizard World for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you, in the single evening,besmirching that name by behaving like a band babbling bumbling band of baboons"
Twins are saying the words to each other trying it fastly 5 times I was laughing at that and said to jas she is also laughing the thing I didn't see is harry is looking at me with a smile.
Minnie said " now,to dance is to let the bidy breath.inside evry girl,a secret swan slumbers,longing to burst forth and take flight."
I heard Ron saying" something's about burst of Eloise midgen,but I don't think it's a swan" I just glared at him I saw Minnie expression changed I think she heard him she continued," inside every boy,a lordly lion prepared to prance,mr.weasley"
" Will you join me, please?"
" Mm"
I just pressed my lips to avoid the bubbling laugh to come out.
" Now place your right hand on my waist"
" Where?"
" My waist."
Wolf whistles are heard as they danced and I saw Fred and george.hum the tune as the playfully say to the beat
Harry called them asked " oi! Never let him forget this are you?"
" Never"
Minnie said " everyone come together ,boys on  your feet" after that we went through the courtyard only to see all the girls are laughing and Ron said " they are always in groups how can we ask them for a date ?"
I said " Ron let's go to black lake and discuss there shall we ?"
And I saw our gang there I said" hey guys " they said hey and I asked alright spill all of you who know their solumate as we know mione soulmate is victor krum and don't even think about fraternising with enemy Ron" ron is just looking sheepishly, Neville said " Daphne greengrass" I smiled at him all the members are encouraging him to ask her, George said " I don't know mine but I asked jas to be my sis date to the ball as she can't take Sirius" I nodded Fred said " I am going to ask her in the study sessions" I smiled and Ron said ," Susan bones" I was smiling brightly and said what happened when the big prank took place they were shock to learn about that Susan know harry is not innocent and supported him so we planed to get Neville and Ron to ask their soulmates to be their date to the yule ball, and we bought a light blue rose bouquet to Neville to go and ask her.
Neville pov:
I saw Daphne near the astronamy tower and went to her to ask her to be my date to yule ball  I am nervous I am how won't be if you are asking a ice princess of Slytherin to be your date , I went near her and greated her ," merry met hiress Greengrass" she was shocked momentarily and she recovered and said " merry met hire longbottom" I said " I have a question to ask you" she nodded me to continue  " as you know you are my solumate and you are a genuinely nice person helped me so many time I want to ask you will you be my date to yule ball?" I was nervous what if she reject me I just been on my positive thoughts  she just smiled and took the bouquet and said " yes I will be your date " and ran to tell her friend I just jumped saying yes and I found mione jas and sahithi and said to them what happened and they are happy for me .
The bouquet

The bouquet

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