19 years later

430 17 1

third pov:

train breaks are heared squealing as we see the outside of king's cross station a family is seen with two sets of twins a set of triplet and a young girl pushing their trolly with two sets of older triplets  , two set of twins and triplet looks at the younger girl who looks nervous before running ahead, they approach the barrier they younger girl stoped before she runs to bsrrier , looking nervous at it when harry now 37 is seen coming to her side with 19 years old tiplet boys and 18 years old triplets  and with sahithi smiling at them


harry and his daughter run through barrier,platform 9 3/4 seen the elders going a head as sahithi, older triplets enter the platform and saw draco and bonnie with 11 years old scorpius, draco see them and went with the hugged them both and started talking to triplets about their work in S.H.I.E.L.D ,families are seen talking and laughing sending  when the triplets older ones ran to jas and sirius to meet the triplet black as it's the last potter baby girls going to first year,hermione and victor are seen  17 years girl and 14 years boy



"jumper i'll miss you"

"here they come"

harry sahithi are walking,when the young girl is shown bending , harry and sahithi looking back galncing at each other harry saying sahithi go catch up with others harry kneels down to help dorea 

"dad?what if i am put in slytherin?"

"dorea charlie potter you are named after your great grandmother who is a black and slytherin married to a griffindor potter and a bravest women and know and charlie is a griffindor who works with dragons your favourite "

"but just say that i am"

"then slytherin house will have gained a wonderful,young witch but listen if it really means that much to you you can choose gryffindor the sorting hat takes your choice into account"


"really but know that house you're sorted in you're mother  and i will be proud beside you mother will be very happy if you're even in slytherine"

the train whistle blows signaling it's time for departure

"all board!"



harry hugs dorea hug all the familiy especially sahithi is seen smiling,dorea is seen at the door to a cabine doding a firework from weasley wizard wheezes, and  entering cabin where all her sibling and cousines are sitting down

"come on"

a choclate frong jumps onto the window drawing everyone's attention hermione's daughter extending her arm causing it to jump into her hand hermione chuckling at that as golden group is shown in order ron,susan,hermione,victor,melli ,nik with hope,harry sahithi with first and secoond set of triplets on their back standing,jasmine and sirius with black triplets behind them ,remus dora eith teddy next to them ginny luna damon and stefan salvatores,astoria and tyler with their 9 years old son and 6 years old daughter,cedric and bekha with their daughter of 5 years old with them standing there as train is leaving as the kids are waving at their parents as all are happy especially the golden group and sahithi saw a figure which is lady hecta smiling at her saving most of the people in the war and finding a happy ending.

-the end-

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