Ron apology , sectumsempra and liquid luck

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Third pov:

All the students are in the great hall except ron who is feeling trrible for what happened when he is under spell of lavender so he want to appologise to susan through a song he has been practising  when he enter the great hall and went to the front and all are looking at him curisiously and he said" as you know what hapended to me yesterday i want to appologise the one person only i ever loved" gasps are heard from every one susan is seeing him with wide eyes and he started 

I'm sorry
I don't mean to remember
It's true that I dream less often
I'm not ashamed of that long December
Your hand's coming down againI close my eyes and brace myself
I only noticed your face
No matter what you're gonna build my shell
No matter what you're gonna build my shellI'm falling (falling)
I'm shedding my skin (my skin)
But it's not time I'm told
I am aware (I'm aware)
Of what you mean by then
I'm only ten years oldI close my eyes and brace myself
I only noticed your face
No matter what you're gonna build my shell
No matter what you're gonna build my shellMy scars are yours today
This story ends so good
I love you and I understand
That you stood where I standI close my eyes and brace myself
I only noticed your face
No matter what you're gonna break my shell
No matter what you're gonna break my shell
I'm done healing
I'm done healing

After ending the song he went near susan and got on his knees and said"hey love i know i promised you in our forth year but i broke it under the circumstance which i am not usefull at all as you know the situation i was i know you never going to belive me but i love you since i meet you i saw in our first year itself in the train station you looked so cute with your tiny frecles on your face soft smile you looked like an angle to me so please will be my girlfriend su?"

susan just chuckled and noded yes all the students cheering for them after a while all the golden group present in the school sat at huffelpuff table and enjoying the meal the great hall doors opened only to see katie bell , harry gets up and makes his way to katie after grabbing his potions book

"katie how are you?"

"i know you're ging to ask,harry but i don't know who cursed me i've been trying to remember but i just can't"

and saw her looking over sahithi shoulder to see draco standing there nervously he turns and walks out and harry followed him, only to see him sobbing in the dark bathroom and he saw harry behind him

"i know what you did malfoy you hexed her didn't you?"
draco started to hex him and there started a duel between the two  burting the pipes in the bathroom and water started to flood in there harry raising his wand


draco is thrown back making harry slowly walk to check on him gasping hearde from draco he turned to conner only to see draco with cuts  and blood spreading from hi shirt into water he gasped and turned only to see proffesor snape making his way to draco and heling him

"vulnera sanentur vulnera sanentura"

and harry when to the group and said what happened and all are sitting in the comman room the book in the middle as they stared and harry sahithi got up and sit next to him and sad

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