The tale of the three brothers

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third pov:

when they got to loovegood house they saw a coorked house a samll tree is saying with a sign:keep off the dirigible plumps the screen then showing a door with sign: xenophillus . lovegood ,mione  knocks the door and the door opned the top half see xenophillus looking a bit worn

"what is  it?who are you?what do you want?"

harry went infront

"mr.lovegood i'm harry potter we met few months ago could we come in?"

xenophilus aloud them to sit in living room as they came and sat with cup of tea in their hands awkward silence

"where is luna?"

"luna?she'll be along"

"how can i help you mr.potter?"

"well actually it was about somthing you weare around your neck at the wedding it was a symbol"

then xenophilus showed the necklace to them

"you means this"

"yes that excatly what is it if i may ask?"

"waht is it?well it's sign of Deathly Hallows of course"

"the what?"

"the deathly hallows i asume you are familier with the 'tale of the three brothers"





mione reaches her bag and opned the book

"there are once three brother who are travelling along a lonely winding road at twilight"

"midnight mum always says midnight twilight is also fine"

harry sahithi looks amused as xenophilus looks out the window

"in time,the three brothers reached a river too treacherous to pass but being to able to learn magical arts,the three brothers simply waved their wands  and made a bridge befor then can move they found their path blocked by a hooded was death and he feel cheated because travelers would normally droen in the river but death is cunning he pretended to congratulate the three brothesrs on their magic and said that earned a prize for having been clever enough to evade him , the oldest asked for a wand more powerfull than any one in exsisitence,so death fashioned him one from an elder tree stood near,the second brother decided wanted to humiliate  death even further and asked for the power to recall loved ones from the grave so,death plucked a stone from the river and offered him,finally death turned to third brother a humble man he asked for something that would allow him to go forth from that place without being followed by death and it was so death gave reluctantly his own cloak of invisibility

it was death and he feel cheated because travelers would normally droen in the river but death is cunning he pretended to congratulate the three brothesrs on their magic and said that earned a prize for having been clever enough to evade him , the...

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