1 (Y/N)

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Note: TWICE have just debuted and released TT, but they are still young in this story. (So that them being in highschool makes sense). Nayeon and Y/N are 17 and are both 11th grade. JeongMoSaJiMi are 10th grade and are 16. DaChaeTzu are in 9th grade and are 15.  I didn't want to make it college since the college life is pretty different from highschool.

Highschool student
Nayeon Biased
Easily Jealous
Mood Swings
Easily Pissed off
Is both Dominant and Submissive


I wake up, it's a weekend and my family and I are supposed to go out today. I hate weekends since I have to spend time with my dad. I hate him, he's way too abusive and strict. Breaking a rule, even the smallest detail leads to a heavy scolding. I have no choice though since my mom still loves him.

I'm suffering from depression, thanks to him. I can't even go outside with friends unless it has something to do with school. Fuck I hate my life. I don't care if we're rich. It isn't always a blessing to be born privileged. For some reason though, I can't end my life. I've tried countless times, but somehow I change my mind on the last second. Right when I'm about to lose consciousness, my body stops myself.

I finish my morning routine and get prepared to leave. As usual, I don't talk to my parents during breakfast. Only my sister is approachable in this house. I get inside the car and immediately put my Airpods on.

I play Cheer Up by TWICE since this song always puts a smile on my face during the start of the day. The ride is quiet as usual, I only look outside my window while the music is blasting in my ears.  Minutes later, we arrived at the mall we were going to.
"We'll go to the grocery first" my dad said.

I just ignored him and went inside the grocery store to grab a cart for myself. My sister then followed me and asked

"Y/N,  want to go together?".

 I just nodded and we looked at the shelves to see what we needed. I grabbed a bit of snacks and my sister grabbed some as well. Someone then bumps into me while I was looking at some canned goods. I looked at them and they looked oddly familiar. 

"Ah, sorry. I wasn't looking," they said. She? sounds familiar. I grabbed their arm before they walked away. They turned their head with widened eyes.

 "Is there something wrong?" they asked with a shaky tone, as if they were scared of me. "Are you Chaeyoung? From TWICE?". They had a mask on which made it harder to recognize them, but their eyes give off Chaeyoung vibes. They were also rather short which gives me another hint.

 "Uhm, I... am" she replied.

 "Okay," I replied while continuing to look through the shelves.  She looked surprised from my reply. "Are you a fan?" she asked.

 "Yes, but you're wondering why I'm not freaking out, correct?".

She nodded and I replied, "It's because I don't want to. I'm a big fan actually, but I'm too bothered to ask for a picture". She tilted her head with worry in her eyes. "Are you okay?" she asked. I sigh and shook my head.

 "No, I won't bother to be happy since I know I shouldn't be alive right now. My body may still be functioning, but  I've accepted that I should be dead right now," I said.

 "No, you shouldn't be thinking like that. Please let me help you," she offered. I just chuckle and ignore her. "Please, you deserve to live. Your life is as valuable as any other".

 "Fine, but how exactly are you willing to help me? You're probably too busy anyway so just stop being annoying". I don't realize that I'm starting to get angry at Chaeyoung. I regret saying that, shit. This might be my only chance to ever talk to her, and I say that. Dumbass.

"You're right, especially since we have to start school now, but I'll still be willing to help. I'll give you my number so we can stay in touch". My anger somehow disappeared and I unconsciously blush.

 "Uh... sure, wait, you're going to school?".

"Yeah, everyone in the group is required to since we need to finish our studies according to the company".

"But, you guys just released TT. Why would you need to go to school even though you're all successful already?".

"Well, they didn't really give a reason, but we're fine with the idea anyway, so you don't have to worry. I gotta go though, I'll give you my number now". She then put her hand out asking for my phone. 

I gave it to her and she added her number onto my contacts. I tried grabbing the phone from her before she pressed the home button, but I was too late.  She chuckled at my wallpaper and I just felt embarrassed inside. I quickly grab my phone back and attempt to walk away.

"Wait, I haven't asked for your name, or should I just call you 'Mr. Nayeon Wallpaper' ?" she asked as I could see her smiling through her eyes.

"Y/N, call me Y/N, please don't ever call me 'Mr. Nayeon Wallpaper', or else I'll make sure to sabotage your studies". My threat clearly didn't imitate her as she just laughed at me.

"Nice to meet you Y/N, I hope we can see each other around. I promise to help you get better from your depression" she said as we said our goodbyes.

I went back to my family and they realized that I seemed happy. They asked me about it, but I didn't bother to say anything and just walked away playing my music again. We then enter our car, and I looked outside the window while thinking about that encounter with Chaeyoung. TWICE is one of my only sources of happiness nowadays. Seeing one of them in person makes me think that maybe I should live. Maybe they're the reason I still want to stay alive. 

My thoughts were then quickly interrupted when I heard my mom and dad arguing. I didn't bother as they do this almost all the time. I don't understand how mom still loves him. Suddenly, I started getting scared when I saw another car speeding towards us.

"DAD, WATCH THE FUCKING ROAD," I shouted. This was the first time I've sworn at him and also the first time I've spoken to him in 2 months. I hate how the last thing I said to him was "watch the road" as if I'm asking him to save our life. I'd rather die to that speeding car rather than ask my dad to save us, but for some reason, my instinct took over and said it to him.

It didn't matter though as it seems death is finally greeting me. The car didn't slow down and my dad isn't going to be able to avoid this. This feels wrong, I know death is my calling, but for some reason, I don't want to answer it's call. Is it because I've met Chaeyoung? Is it because I could start something with my favorite idols?

I wake up to the car in shambles. The windshield was shattered and everyone was unconscious except me. I first look at my sister who has blood dripping down from her head, but she doesn't look dead. I check her pulse and she's fine. I then look at my parents who were both leaning forward. My dad was unconscious on the steering wheel. His blood was dripping from his head and it stained the steering wheel. My head hurts though, I feel extremely dizzy and my headache is squishing my head. I then heard sirens from a far, before I get out of the car. 

Everything in my body hurts. My airpods are surprising still working, while my music was playing. I immediately check my phone and it is completely unharmed.

"Are you okay sir?" I heard a voice say as I look back up.

The medic helped me stay standing and brought me to the ambulance.

I saw my family being taken out of the car in a stretcher. 

"Is my sister gonna be fine?" I asked.

"Not sure yet, but her situation isn't as severe as your mother's".

"How about my dad?" I asked.

"He's... gone" the paramedic said sadly.

I don't care to be honest. I don't care that my dad died from this accident. I only care if my sister is fine since she deserves to live.

The ambulance started to bring us to the hospital as the paramedic asked me. 

"You're sister is Kim Dahyun?" he asked.

"What? No, we have the same family name, but not even close".  I replied.

"Hmm... she looks oddly similar to her" he said. 

We arrived at the hospital and I went to my sister who was being taken out of the ambulance.

I couldn't believe it. She did look like Dahyun. No, she has the same face as Dahyun. Did we crash into Dahyun's car? No, they wouldn't be driving carelessly, nor would she be mistaken for my sister. 

I underwent multiple procedures and check-ups to see if I was fine. They said I had a post-traumatic headache, but I would recover in a couple of days. I left the hospital alone and decided to message Chaeyoung. 


Hey, sorry for messaging, but we just got into a car accident. My father passed during it


I then pressed the call button and it started to ringing

"Hello, Y/N, are you ok????" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. They said I just needed to rest and I would be able to continue daily activities".

"Want to come over to our dorm for company? It's fine since you're going through something anyway. You won't be a bother to us". she offered.

"Alright, send the address and I'll be on my way there".  I then ended the call and she sent the address to their dorm.

I called an Uber there and arrived at a big house that seemed rather expensive. It's almost as big as our house. I rang the doorbell and the gate was opened by their dorm aunt? I walked inside and the place was quite nice, but the people standing in front of me... were...



HELLO READERS!, this is my first story about TWICE. I have written another story, but it wasn't a fanfic. Some parts might be taken from that since that story isn't public.
Hopefully you are enjoying and if you think it's great then please share and vote. It would mean the world to me. 

I'm sorry if the story is a bit sloppy. Again, I don't have that much experience, but I'll still try my best to make the story great.  - A/N, TeudoongieIsLoveAN

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