10 ( Promise ) FINAL

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Many days pass and my sickness is severe. I'm told that I'll die in few days. No one has visited since, but I know Nayeon will keep her promise.

I'm informed that TWICE is doing really well with their new comeback and are starting their promos. It sucks that I won't be able to see it before I die. 

I've sent multiple letters to Nayeon. I don't know if she received them because she's never written anything back. 

If she's too busy to see me, then she could at least write back. 

Hours pass and I'm starting to feel tired. I'm gonna die, I'm familiar with the feeling of being close to death.

Suddenly, the door slams open.

"Y/N! I'm sorry I couldn't visit. I'm not giving up on us" Nayeon says as she runs to my bedside.

"Nayeon... I can't. I'm sorry. I can't stay with you any longer. I know you tried your best to fix me, but somethings aren't meant to be"

"Y/N please! STAY ALIVE!!" she screams.

"I want to as well, but !--"

"Y/N... stay with me. Don't leave again" 

The other members walk in as well. They're here... to say goodbye as well.

"I'll miss you guys... I promise I won't forget you. I'll be waiting for you Nayeon on the other side. Don't let this ruin your life".

I then look at the members and see my... sister. Is she greeting me? Will she lead me to the afterlife.

She mouths something, but I can't understand her. She just smiles at me.

I can't stay any longer. My eyes are getting heavy and Dahyun puts her hand out for me to grab. It's as if she's inviting me.

"Y/N, I love you" Nayeon says weakly as I finally get to an agreement with death. Those are the last words I'll hear. Someone assuring that I'm important to them.

Nayeon POV:

We finish our performance for Inkigayo today. I'll go visit Y/N today, but I'm not sure if the managers will allow me. They never do. I only lied to them last time. 

"Nayeon unnie, are you thinking about him again?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Yes, I want to see him".

"I'll help you in asking the managers. I know he's important to you" 

I nod and we ask for permission from our manager together.

"Can we visit Y/N today?" I ask again. I've been asking the same question every day.

"No, we've talked about this. You're not allowed to see him because it will cause rumors and issues if people found out. Plus, you need to focus on your work. I was expecting more from you Nayeon. You were a promising idol during Sixteen, but now all you're doing is flirting with that guy. I don't even know why JYP picked you. Did he miscalculate how much of a... slut you really are?

"That's too far!" Chaeyoung exclaims. I can feel the tears forming on my eyes. She... Fuck you

I don't care anymore. I'll sneak out to see Y/N. 

We leave the studio and are on our way to the company. We have to give our award to the company before we go home.

As I enter the building, I sneak into our managers' office. Their office is full of stuff, but one table in particular was full of envelopes. 

I grab one of them and check who they're from.

From, Y/N

All of them are from Y/N. They've been hiding this? Even writing letters isn't allowed?!

I read each one, and they're all heartbreaking. They all talk about how he feels worse everyday.

I open the newest one, the one sent a while ago.

Nayeon, I'm afraid today might be the last day. I hope you can visit me today, I want to see you once more. I can't move anymore. My body is on it's last ropes and my illness has gotten severe. I hope the you'll be able to stay happy without me. Find someone, someone better than me. You deserve someone better than a classmate with a mental illness. Thank you, for all the times we've spent together even though they were short. They were the best moments of my life. I wish you guys the best. Also, I hope that the public won't be too harsh when they find out about us and my sister. They won't take a dating scandal and a member death lightly. Considering that you dated the brother of Dahyun, the member who passed, they might even accuse you of murder, but remember that Dahyun and I are always on your side. I'll be waiting for you. Just live your life now. I love you too


I start to sob on the floor as Sana finds me.

"Nayeon unnie, what's wrong?"

"I wan to see Y/N now. Take me the hospital" I reply.

She nods and we sneak out of the dorm after we change. 

We walk to the hospital. Y/N please hang on.

"Here to visit Y/N L/N" I say to the concierge

"Oh... well, he passed last night". He was holding a note on his hand though.

She gave it to me and I read it. 

"Nayeon, I forgot to put this in the letter, but I stole your underwear. It's in my house, just tell the housekeepers that you're there to get something and you were sent be me. I don't know what's gonna happen to that house, but you can have it if you want. Just show this note to my lawyer and you can have it. Think of this as a farewell gift hehe"

Y-Y/N... I can't believe you're gone already. I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I broke my promise.

"Nayeon, we're sorry for your loss" Jeongyeon says as they all close in to hug me. 


It's been 1 year since Y/N passed. I told the company that I was ready to spread the news about us dating. Most fans were comforting me, but some were malicious about it. The news about Dahyun has also caused chaos in the public since the company lied about her being on hiatus. It has brought a negative effect on everyone, but we continued and fans still supported us.

We're currently having a concert right now. The first concert where we won't be complete... and I'm afraid we never will be. The entire stadium was filled with the color white to indicate Dahyun's color through the lightstick. I just wish you were to see this Dahyun.

It's the end of the concert and we're asked to make a speech to say goodbye. Everyone talks about Dahyun. This is painful. I've never felt more devastated in a concert before. 

"Well... all I can really say is... I miss both of you" I say during my turn.

I want both of you back.

You were my paradise Y/N. I hope you're happy with your sister right now. I'll never forget you.



Hello again reader, I know it has a sad ending, but Nayeon pretty much promises that she'll be happy for both of them. I honestly didn't foresee the story ending like this. I initially thought of Y/N to meet Nayeon after waking up from a coma, but I thought that would a cliche, so I went with this instead. I would be lying if I said that it's a perfect story, there are definitely parts I wish I could have written better. I just hope you enjoyed despite the tear-jerker ending. That's all.

Also I'll be trying to start a new story next year, but it will be slow in updates because it will be done during school days. I'll try to make it even better than this story. I'm still not super used to writing a fanfic since this is my first so my writing skills might be sloppy. I'm not sure if it will be another X reader story or a ship story, but it will still be TWICE related.

P.S. Nayeon visiting Y/N on his deathbed is a hallucination if you were confused. I tried to make Y/N's hallucinations about something that would make him happy. In this case, seeing Nayeon one last time would make him happy, so he started hallucinating.

-A/N, TeudoongieIsLoveAN

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